
Friday, January 11, 2013

christmas eve

I think this is my all time favorite picture of my kids from all of Christmas.  Kerigan's face cracks me up.  As you'll see in the upcoming posts, she has this new smile where she squints her eyes shut and smiles so big!  I just love it and I think it is the cutest thing ever!
We went to my mom's the day before Christmas Eve to celebrate with my dad's side of the family.  My poor mom broke her ankle the week before Christmas and she still did a fabulous job hosting our family, which is no surprise.
See?  That look just kills me!!  Ha!
This is the only picture I could get of the kids!  My nephew's daughter Lucy is a few months older than Kerigan.
The kids all had fun opening gifts.  Kerigan and Andrew loved their superhero capes and masks!  Who knew they made pink ones??  I never would have thought!  Ha!
So funny.  And the kids have loved playing with these already!  One time I went in Kerigan's room and she and Andrew were in there and he was helping her get everything on and they were playing together- so cute!
My mom got the kids this little red child size recliner chair!  They both love it and fought over it all night- ha!  
After everyone left Daddy and Papa put together Andrew's gift from Papa- a new Angry Birds bike!!  Andrew needed a new bike so badly, as his old one is way too small for him.  Papa wanted to get him something special that he needed, so a bike was a great choice!
When the kids woke up Christmas Eve morning, we opened the kids gifts from Ga Ga and Papa.  Ga Ga made him happy with this Angry Birds Space game he'd been wanting!
And these Tom and Jerry figures.  Anyone who knows Andrew knows figures are his favorite thing- he loves to play with characters from all the shows and movies he loves.
Kerigan got into opening this year.  She just dug right in and went from one thing to the next!
She loved her little dress up slippers, tutu, necklace and wand!
And clothes!  Ha!  I love her face- she was excited about clothes... a girl after my own heart!
Andrew got a pile of Ninja Turtles, which he was thrilled about.  He knew he was still "missing a few" (his words!  ha!)  he keeps track and knows exactly which ones he has and which ones he still needs.  Good thing Santa and Ga Ga got right on that this year as now all the Ninja Turtle stuff is out of stock!
He loved this remote control shark that glows in the dark and looks like it's swimming when it moves- so cool!
Little miss with Papa and Ga Ga- she looks so sweet here, but don't let it fool you!  Ha!
Kerigan got a special cradle with her name on it for her Bitty Baby, which she didn't have yet- ha!  We figured she wouldn't know the difference and she was just as happy to put her bears and other toys in it!
When Andrew thought he was all done opening, we told him to look for another surprise, which he thought was so fun!  He kept walking right past this, not knowing there was something under it for him!
Papa had taken him to Walmart several times to try out different bikes.  He'd go flying around the shelves on different bikes!  Now he thinks every time we go there he gets to ride a bike- ha!  He picked the Angry Birds one out right away.  Thanks so much Papa!  He can't wait to ride it this spring!
The kids gave my mom a calendar with their pictures, which she loved.  I love Kerigan's hand up in the air as she's looking at it- ha!
We took a little break from opening and Papa made his famous pancakes.  Andrew was thrilled!
Kerigan kept finding little treasures wrapped under the tree for her... like this princess towel, fitting, don't you think?  Ha!
All those toys and she picks Ga Ga's utensil drawer to play in!
My mom surprised Andrew with none other than... more figures!  Ha!  These were mine when I was little.  Can you believe we still have these??  They are like vintage- Ha!  Old smurfs, Alvin, a Mario Brothers, Garfield, etc.  He was so happy!
Kerigan fell in love with her Disney princess castle!
And Daddy enjoyed putting it all together- isn't this a daddy's job at Christmas and birthdays?  Craig always looks forward to it!  Ha!  But it wasn't so bad with a sweet little hug from his girl!
Yep, I can't get enough of this face!
After a fun relaxing morning, daddy took Andrew sledding while Kerigan napped and I finished up some last minute shopping before it was time to get ready for church.  It was so fun for me to go back with my kids to the beautiful church I attended growing up.
I love how excited Kerigan looks in this picture.
Andrew went up front all by himself for the children's sermon- he was so proud walking back to our seats!

My favorite part of church at Christmas- lighting the candles and singing Silent Night.
Ga Ga and Papa came back to our house with us to be there Christmas morning and so the adults could open gifts after the kids went to bed.  It was so fun!  We came home to Elf Buddy who had left instructions for Andrew...  He had mixed up our reindeer dust for us (oatmeal, sugar and a little glitter so the lawn sparkles and the reindeer can find us!)  Andrew loved putting it on the lawn, and I was happy it was on the SNOW this year, unlike last year's brown grass!  ha!
We came inside and Andrew very seriously wrote a special note to Santa, and told him "thank you for all my special presents."  He thought of it and wrote it all by himself.  I'm sure Santa will save it forever.
As we were setting out cookies for Santa, Andrew thought he'd better have one, along with some hot chocolate too!  ha!

I love this picture of my little man with his things for Santa.  The excitement was just pouring out of him all night- so magical and special.  There's nothing quite like celebrating Christmas with children.
Buddy had then instructed us to have Daddy read "The Night Before Christmas," so he obliged.
Santa found special wrapping paper just for the kids (Andrew- Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and Kerigan- Minnie Mouse!)

The kids were nestled all snug in their beds...