
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

new years eve & winter break fun

After our snowstorm dumped about 12 inches of snow on us, we were able to enjoy winter activities over break, like sledding!  Andrew couldn't wait to get on a hill!  We even took Kerigan thinking she might enjoy it, and she did!  With our snow days we ended up with a full 2 weeks off, and it was pure bliss!
This makes me laugh- I am holding Kerigan going down, and Craig is on another sled at the bottom and Andrew was charging back up to do it again!
He was SO excited about the snow!
And he loves to "wipeout"... on purpose!  Silly kid!
We love sledding with cousins so Evelyn and Andrew rode together a few times!  And I didn't take pictures from the bottom because we parked at the top and I quickly learned that my boots have no traction and I kept slipping and falling every time I tried to walk back up!  So once down the hill was enough for me, and no pictures from the bottom!  Ha!
And how cute are they hauling their sleds back uphill just chatting away!
One big push from Auntie Rachel!
Daddy getting ready to take Kerigan down!  She didn't really like the cold- or the snow, but she did enjoy her ride down!  It was her nap time so I put her in the car after a few times with the heat on and drove her around and she fell right to sleep while the other kids continued sledding!
We always love celebrating New Years with the kids.  I was thinking how times have changed since I was young!  Although New Years has never really been that thrilling to me for some reason.  I think I am always depressed that Christmas is over and I always feel like I am supposed to be doing something extravagant but restaurants are always crowded and you can't go anywhere without crowds or crazy drivers.  Craig always reminds me that we met New Years Eve (way back in 2000!) so he makes me feel guilty every time I say I don't like New Years!  Ha!
But I have to say, now that we have kids and they are old enough to do things, I think I enjoy New Years more than I did when I was single!  Ha!  And dressing up my girl definitely boosts it up a bit!
However there are some ways in which she is not the most lady-like!  Ha!
We have made a tradition of going with Craig's brother's family to eat at Red Robin.  Shockingly, they aren't busy at 4:30 (ha!) and I guess most hard core partiers choose establishments other than ones with a big red bird statue inside.  But we love it!  And it couldn't be more kid friendly!
After that we head to Imagine Eve downtown where they have a huge set up with bouncy houses and slides, etc.  You can see Kerigan reaching for me.  It is so impossible to get a good picture of her these days!
Hugging cousin Jayden
This girl loves her Uncle Jay (also her Godfather).  They have a special connection- I think they are both a bit smitten with each other.
Getting ready for the first slide of the night!  The event was extra crowded this year and the lines were really long.  The kids were good at being patient, but we are thinking of trying something new next year just for a change.
I was surprised that Kerigan jumped right in and loved the slides and bouncies that were her size (they have a special area for her size).
This turned out dark but I love Andrew's face!  Ha!
Entertaining everyone with some dance moves while waiting in line!
Andrew and Jayden liked this one because they could both go together and "race!"
This is about the only picture I could get of her standing still, but she wasn't really still, it just happened to not be blurry!
Someday she'll not let me post things of her from this angle... and it was too cute not to!

This just made me laugh.  Kerigan and her squinty smile, and Craig's wink!  What am I going to do with these two!?  Ha!
Afterwards they always have fireworks and we watch from the skywalk and it is so nice (and warm!)
The kids faces just lit up once the fireworks started!
I love this of Andrew crawling all over daddy!  Ha!
When we got home we had a surprise... grandma was there!  She had come to stay since grandpa had to come through for work.  Andrew was so excited.  And grandma got some snuggle time with Kerigan since she crashed on the way home!
We had a great time playing Uno Attack!
Andrew got a huge kick out of the cards shooting out at you when you hit the button!  I guess he didn't quite understand the point of the game is to end up with no cards at the end!  Ha!
He and daddy were cracking me up with their faces!
Classic!  Ha!
Love how the kids are all swarming around Craig and the Wii U!
I love this of my little man and me!
And our family right before midnight!  Can you tell??  Craig was a little tired, and Andrew was wired! Ha!
Aunt Rachel broke out the champagne!
We adults toasted to a great 2013!
Cousin pic at midnight!  Yes, they all made it and they were still going strong!
Once everyone left after a fun evening Craig and I finished off the champagne (don't get me wrong, there wasn't much left!) and enjoyed just hanging out and reminiscing about 12 years ago when we met.  We've been through a lot in that amount of time.  Losing my dad, going through infertility, and our son being born with a life threatening heart condition... we've certainly learned a lot and learned we can make it through anything together!

And Andrew got a special surprise the next night...
Buddy came back for a visit!  Can you tell Andrew was slightly excited?
Now he can be surrounded by Buddy in dreamland...

Happy New Year and here's to an amazing 2013!