
Sunday, February 10, 2013

birthday snow day and an armadillo

Well we sure got a surprise this year on Andrew's actual birthday, January 30.  We woke up to a blizzard and school cancelled!  A certain little 6 year old was pretty excited he got to have an unexpected "stay home day" on his birthday!  What a gift!  For all of us.

We literally just spent the whole day at home, my mom and Jim were there and it was like Christmas Day all over again.  We stayed in our jammies, Andrew opened presents (he spread it out across the day to make it last longer!) and we ordered pizza for dinner.  Andrew's request.  Because he's "tryin to be a turtle!"

Kerigan's faces just kill me.  Seriously.
We all sat down and had dinner and were remembering last year on Andrew's real birthday, it was in the 70's outside and we grilled out!  Amazing difference!
Determined to be a Ninja Turtle!  Ha!
She was getting her turtle on, too!  
Silly girl, love those chompers!
Reading a book with Papa
Some of the gift openings... the Ninja Turtle Van!
Mariokart Wii K'nex!  He loves these!
My big 6 year old
Andrew is blurry because he would not sit still!  But they were so cute laying together like this.
Which soon turned into sword fighting when Andrew opened this gift!
This cracks me up.  Trust me, he deserves this!  Ha!
Trying to get them both together is an impossible task right now.
I kept the fondant turtles from Andrew's other cake and put them on this one!  Creative, huh?  Ha!  That's all I had time for!
She sat there just like this, very serious, watching those candles!  Ha!
SIX!!!!!!  Have to use TWO hands now!!

On Andrew's birthday we had planned to go to Texas Roadhouse and have Andrew sit on the saddle.  He likes going there and we thought it would be fun, but when we ended up being snowed in, we postponed that adventure for a few days later.  So a few days after his birthday we went.  I asked about the armadillo because Andrew remembered it and said that he was going to be there for his birthday.
The waitress said they just have this costume sitting around in the back (can you imagine??) and she'd see if someone could put it on and surprise Andrew.  I was so thrilled!
Surprised he was!  We told him we didn't think the armadillo would be there.
He couldn't have been happier.  This kid loves character greetings... of any kind!
He got all embarrassed when he was on the saddle and they were yelling for everyone's attention.  His shy little face cracks me up!  He doesn't get shy very often, that's for sure!
A certain little girl wanted to be on the saddle too... and she was perfectly happy until....

I was literally laughing out loud, my hands were shaking and the pictures are blurry but it was so stinkin funny!
I had to dig out these pictures from a previous visit when her brother was her exact same age (18 months).
As you can see, he wasn't too happy with the armadillo either!
Here's the full on scream, terrified look in his eyes!  I seriously don't always enjoy torturing my kids with scary characters, but looking at these pictures definitely makes me laugh.  I think they look alike, don't you?

Happy 6th birthday little man!
Here's to another year of memories!