
Monday, October 21, 2013


A few weeks ago we went apple picking with a friend of mine.  Kerigan got to fill her basket full of apples so I've been trying to figure out what to do with them all!
Since I don't really cook, ya know!  Ha!
The kids loved sampling them...
And I did make a really yummy apple crisp!  Wish I was into canning because I would have loved to make applesauce!
Then another day I got to accompany Kerigan on a field trip with her day care- we went to the Appleberry Farm in town.  
You can see how having me on a field trip goes for her!  Ha!  She only wanted me the whole time and would not let me out of her sight!
Ashley had a neat little check list for the kids to check off when they found things on the scavenger hunt.

Then she tried her first carmel apple....
Oh my gosh!  This is so good mama!  She loved it.
Posing with the spiders!
An attempt at a group photo!

All the kids went crazy over this!  They wanted to pick all the apples "up high!" so they could use the picker!
Group photo attempt #2!  I love the little girl in front giving an apple to the big girl who was like "no thanks, get it away from me!"  Ha!  Kids are so funny.
I finally got her to pose for a couple of pictures!

It's apple pickin' season!
And we are loving this beautiful fall weather!