
Sunday, December 15, 2013

christmas kick off

Every year on Thanksgiving weekend we head north to Craig's parents house to have an early Christmas with all the family!  This is this year's cousin picture.  We have one more cousin joining us later next month (a baby girl!), so there will be 9 grandkids, and only 3 boys!  
Jack, Jayden and Andrew- the 3 boy Huegels!  Don't they all look alike?  Ha!
These boys are Andrew's very favorite people in the whole world.  He would live with them if he could, and he would spend every single waking moment with them and never get tired of it.  Seriously. He asks me at least once every couple of days if he can see Jayden and Jack.  I think it's pretty special for these boys to get to grow up together and be best buds.
Then there's the girls (minus Abby- she wasn't in this one!) but lord, look at them!  Ha!  Kerigan is cracking me up!  They are such a fun bunch!
The kids enjoyed opening their presents, Kerigan loved all her new princess related items!
I loved seeing her face opening this Sofia the First doll from her aunt and uncle.  She was beyond excited.
Grandma gave Kerigan this pretty dress and she thought it was for dress up!  She wanted to put it on right away!
Then she did a little curtsy like this! Ha!  She was so funny.  Andrew loved his Skylander from Jack and his book from his grandparents.  He is all about Skylanders this year!
Andrew & Grandpa
Andrew loves it that we get to spend the night all together at Grandma's.  Nothing pleases him more!  He and Jayden were having fun playing cards with grandma!
Abby and Kerigan are a little less than a year apart.  They were having fun playing princess dress up!  It's so nice for Kerigan to have girls cousins close in age too.  What fun!
Then the big kids got to have a cousin sleepover in front of the tree!  They watched movies and had popcorn.
Evie and Brooke

The next day we all get together with Craig's grandma and all of his aunts, uncles and cousins.  There are a ton of people so they rent a big hall in town and everyone brings tons of yummy food, games and we all just hang out all day!
This is the Huegel family!  All of Craig's siblings, spouses and kids, Grandma and his mom and dad.
Kerigan and her Great Grandma
I just took a picture of part of the room to show what it's like!
Sweet Kerigan loved coloring and playing with all her cousins and second cousins.
Love my dolly!
Andrew and his second cousin Ellie- they totally love each other!  Ha!  They are too cute and always enjoy seeing each other at family events!
The funniest thing that happened on the way home- we were all just sitting in the car and all of a sudden Andrew says, "mom, my tooth came out."  Like no big deal.  Ha!  His first lost tooth- finally!
Sorry for the graphic image, but this was so weird I just had to share.  His permanent teeth had started coming in behind his baby teeth!  We had noticed it about a week before this and I didn't even know they were loose!  2 days later, the other baby one came out too!
The morning after we got home, Buddy arrive from the North Pole and brought a special North Pole breakfast!
The kids were so excited to see him again and he's already been having lots of fun around here!

They were just talking nonstop and so excited about the upcoming month!
Andrew loves his advent calendar.  It is the first thing he wants to do every December- get it out and move the Santa each day.  I don't know why but it feels like this season is just flying by.  We are in the midst of it and I wish I could just push pause and enjoy it.  It is my most favorite time of the year and I have a million things I want to do with the kids and there just hasn't been time.  I think because Thanksgiving was so late this year, but I just don't want it to end yet!

Hoping to slow down this next week and get a few things accomplished for the upcoming celebration of Jesus' birth!