
Sunday, December 22, 2013

let it snow!

We are so excited we are going to have a white Christmas this year!  
(Laughing at her brother)
We have had a couple of big snowstorms and one ice storm that cancelled school on the day before winter break!  
The kids have had a blast exploring our new surroundings in the snow!

They discovered this hill makes a pretty good little sledding hill!

So we got out the sleds while daddy was clearing the driveway and they had the best time!
Kerigan loved the snow this year!  Last year, she wasn't too sure.  I loved watching her dig right in and play with Andrew.  They had a great time together.
I love this picture of our house from the back, with our tree in the window.  I spent an entire morning on the coldest day of the year putting up the greenery and lights around our deck.  Our house is gorgeous from the road, and I wanted it lit up!
Craig was responsible for the front of the house.  Notice there are no pictures of it!  Ha!  Maybe next year.
I have realized that this picture makes this tree look really dinky, but it is actually a 7.5ft and is super full and gorgeous!  This room just needs a 12ft tree.  I will be scoping out the after Christmas sales!  We have loved watching it snow out these windows this year.  This summer when we decided to buy this house, I could not wait to watch it snow, and it did not disappoint!
We've been busy getting ready for the holidays around here!  I spent 3 nights gluing gingerbread houses together for Andrew's class party.  I was so excited to get to help this year, since I normally am always working.  I also made cupcakes to decorate like snowmen and we filled goody bags for Andrew to give to his classmates.  Needless to say, we were pretty bummed when school was cancelled!  Of all the days!  Oh well, the snow was fun and I'm sure they will have the party after break- although then it's not quite the same...
We celebrated Christmas with our friends!  The kids had fun exchanging gifts (mommies too!  I love my popcorn bowl set Mandy gave me!)  We always have fun with the Diggins family!
Ga Ga came to spend the night the next day and we had so much fun.  It was so nice to be snowed/iced in and get cozy by the fire in our pajamas!  After the kids went to bed mom and I stayed up watching Christmas movies and wrapping presents all night!  We decided it was much more fun wrapping together!
The next morning we had a cookie baking day!
It is a tradition to make my great grandma's sugar cookies every year.
They are the best cookies in the world!  They take a ton of time and effort to make, but they are so worth it!
This year I found these adorable measuring cups and spoons and could not resist!
Both kids were so excited to help and did a really good job this year.  Kerigan was so funny she would get all excited and clasp her hands together like this and just giggle!  It was so fun to watch them.

She was very serious about her job!
After the dough chilled we rolled them and cut them- the fun part!
Andrew wanted to do everything by himself.  He was actually pretty good at rolling and cutting them out this year.  He wanted to put them on the cookie sheets and everything.  This was the first time he could actually do everything independently.

Little helping hands...
My sweet friend Mandy made her apron.  I could just die of cuteness!

We still have the frosting part left to do!  We are going to do them at Ga Ga's house when we go to celebrate Christmas with her and Papa in their new home!
Andrew had his last Awana at church on Wednesday- they had a birthday party for Jesus.  I have just loved watching how much he is learning from Awana.  Just tonight he was making up songs about Jesus and saying how Jesus is in our hearts.  What a special little boy.  We will not forget the reason we are celebrating Christmas.

I can't believe how fast this season went!  I just want to rewind and do it all over again.