
Sunday, January 19, 2014

slam dunk

My little man wanted to play basketball this season.  I was so happy about this, as he normally isn't that excited about sports much.  With his heart condition, he may not be able to play many sports in the future, so we haven't really pushed the issue.  He is doing so well medically right now, that he is able to do most anything he wants.  So we certainly don't want to discourage it!
The best part was, Daddy got to coach Andrew's team!
Andrew could not wait for practices to begin.  It was such a special thing for Craig to be able to adjust his schedule so he could be at most practices and games.  With his job, it is very tricky to do.  So it meant the world to Andrew.
He would count down the days of the week until Thursday.  I love how intently he is listening to his daddy here.
This was the first game day.  Andrew was so happy!
I love this!
My camera doesn't take the best pictures in gymnasiums, but I love how Andrew's arms are up here, "blocking" like daddy taught him!
Bless his heart, he isn't the star of the team by any means.  But he tries!  He ran after that ball just as fast as anyone.  
Most importantly, he got to spend precious time with his daddy, and learned about teamwork, determination and sportsmanship.  It was such a positive experience.  Even though the season was during the busiest time of year, November and December!
Since Andrew has acquired a love for basketball, we couldn't wait to take him to this special event at Daddy's school!
The Harlem Globetrotters came to our small town Iowa!  It was amazing!
Craig's school gym is undergoing a 13 million dollar renovation project, and this event was organized by Craig and several others to help raise money.  The gym is unique because it is in the shape of a circle- called the "Roundhouse."  It is treasured by everyone in town and I think the whole town plus several others were at this event to support it!
The Globetrotters are such great performers!  They are hilarious!  The kids were cracking up and having the best time watching their antics!
We loved having Craig's brother and his family, and Ga Ga and Papa and several friends join us in the stands!
Andrew was so happy!
Basketball and cousins... it doesn't get much better than that for him!

Somebody else wasn't as thrilled.  Ha!  A girl after my own heart... she'd rather be shopping!
Our friends Grace and Emily!
We thought it was pretty cool the players came out afterwards to sign autographs and take pictures!
This picture just cracks me up.  This is what it's like trying to get a picture!  Andrew acting like a goof ball and Kerigan watching him and laughing! (You can kind of see the rounded ceiling in this picture).
She was so sweet with her daddy.  She wanted him during the whole game (once she woke up) but he had to be walking around and supervising so we didn't see much of him until the end.
Since Daddy was overseeing the event, Andrew got this special T-shirt which he had signed by one of the players.  Andrew was so proud of it!  He wore it to school on the first day back and he told us the P.E. teacher said it was "Awesome!"  Ha!

I'm so proud of my little man for finding something he loves and running with it!  May you always chase your dreams, Andrew!