
Monday, February 24, 2014

will you be my valentine?

This little man will always be my special Valentine!  The main man in my life- Ha!  Oh how I love him!
My precious valentines
This was the first year that Andrew had to make a Valentine box for school.  I have to admit, I'm thinking- sure, more work for the parents!  Ha!  As a teacher I always bought a big pack of 50 white lunch sacks and had the kids decorate them the day of our party.  My how times are changing!  Ha!
But if I'm going to be really honest, I also have to admit that this was really fun!  I enjoyed scouring Pinterest (seriously, what did we ever do without Pinterest??) and giving Andrew several choices (after conveniently not pinning the ones I knew I wasn't crafty enough for!  Ha!  He quickly picked the minion right away, but he wanted only ONE eye (those are his favorites!)  We put our own little spin on it by adding a heart and kisses from Ga Ga, mommy and Kerigan (Andrew loved this idea!)
And seriously?  If Kerigan had her way, Andrew would also be HER valentine.  She absolutely adores her big brother.  And he thinks she's pretty great too.  I'm so glad they have each other.
On Superbowl Sunday we were invited to some new friends of ours in town for Valentine cookie decorating and then to watch the game later!  This was so fun and the kids loved it.

And I have to just say what a small world it is and how God is in charge.  They really aren't "new" friends.  When we moved here, I met a couple of new girls in our neighborhood through our realtor (who has also become a new friend!) and these girls went to ISU the same time as me and were in sororities.  Then they led me to TWO of MY sorority sisters who they are friends with who just happen to live in town!  And they are both doctors in town too (very convenient!  Ha!)  I still can't get over that these two girls I "hung out with" in college who I had lost touch with are now living in the same town and all of us have kids the same ages.  It couldn't get much more perfect than that!  I wish I had taken a picture!  Next time...

Kerigan devouring the cookies!
She ate them as quickly as she decorated them!
The dads and some of the kids went outside to go sledding before the big game!  We just had so much fun and I'm so grateful for these new friendships.
So back to these two... (best picture I could get right after Kerigan took a bite of some blue Valentine candy!  That's kids for ya!  Ha!)
My favorite part of the day was getting to sub at Andrew's school on Valentine's Day!  It wasn't in his class, but it was still awesome to be able to go with him and peek in at him throughout the day.  I love love love subbing at his school!
And this little dolly just gets sweeter and sweeter every day, if that's even possible.
Here she was saying "Happy Valentine's Day!"  With her little princess pose.  Love her.
After school we went to dinner with our friends and then went to daddy's basketball game.  Because nothing says Valentine's Day like a crazy, loud basketball game!  Ha!  But we wanted to be where daddy was.  So we surprised him and showed up at his game- true romance!
I had to take this picture of the card I got Craig this year.  This is just so our life right now!  I don't remember the last time we've had a night in our bed just the two of us.  Ha!  
Andrew making her laugh as usual!
Bubba is sooooo funny!
And I thought this verse was appropriate- one Andrew has worked on for Awana this week and has memorized...
"We love because He first loved us."
John 1:4

Happy Valentine's Day!