
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

school spirit

I got to sub in my little man's classroom the other day.  Have I mentioned how much this year is like a dream come true for me?
Never in a million years did I think I would ever be able to say I have subbed in my kid's classroom.  I absolutely love Andrew's school.  When I walk in the doors I immediately feel at "home."  I'm not sure how this happened so fast, but it did.  I have subbed in almost every classroom, including preschool.  I know and love the principal and she has become a good friend. I love the staff members and can call many of them my friends (one is even my neighbor!)  Walking the halls of that school... I just feel happy.  And I needed that so badly.  I had been feeling so down and frustrated with school and teaching the past few years.  I needed a lift.  And Andrew's school gives that to me.
The kids were sharing their stories and Andrew was so proud to share with me watching!

Subbing is the best of both worlds because it allows me more time with this girl.  And seriously?  I just cannot get enough of her.
She dressed up for one of our many Panera dates.  She wouldn't leave the house without all the bling.  This girl kills me.
Daddy's school gym is undergoing a multi million dollar renovation.  Andrew's school offered to host their school carnival at the Roundhouse, open it up to the whole community and donate half the proceeds to the renovation project.
We thought it was pretty cool!
Little miss was getting sleepy and literally fell asleep on her daddy's shoulders.  That was a first!
She was then transferred to Mandy's arms because Mandy loves every opportunity to cuddle her and while she's awake...she's pretty much always on the go!  Ha!
Andrew played a killer game of giant Jenga!
And giant Operation.
Andrew and Grace had to get their picture taken here, you know, since they've both had operations.
We got in on the carnival clean up so the kids shot baskets.  My girl loved her some basketball!  Ha!  But I'm still convinced she's not going to be a tomboy!
This is a little late but I wanted to include it.  This year I have loved having the time to just be a mom.  To have the time to do special things with the kids and volunteer at the school.  For the Christmas party I volunteered to plan it and do all the preparations.  And it was so much fun!
Mrs. Nichols wanted to do a gingerbread party, so that's what we did!  Unfortunately, we had a big blizzard and school was cancelled the last day before break.  I know.  After spending 3 evenings gluing graham crackers together.  All of us were more than a little disappointed.
We were so grateful we were still able to have the party on an early out day in January.  And the kids had just as much fun!
I made cupcakes for the kids to decorate like snowmen.
Andrew with two of his best friends, Eli and Issac.  Sweetest boys ever.
Decorating his cupcake.

Daddy even surprised Andrew and got to come to the party!  Another perk of all of us being together in the same district.  Craig's school is literally 3 minutes away.  Such a gift.
My sweet boy with his gingerbread house.  He had been so excited to make one since Kerigan had made one at her day care.  I'm pretty sure he was on cloud nine in this picture.
Andrew's precious little class.  I just love them!  I could just cry thinking about what a special class, school and community we get to be a part of.  Just another reason to add to the list of why moving here was meant to be.