
Thursday, May 8, 2014

cousin celebration

A few weeks after we returned from our mini-spring break trip to Minneapolis, we headed back again for our nephew Jack's first communion.  My sister in law said we had a "pass" not to come since we had just been there, but honestly, like I told her- you certainly don't have to twist my arm to go to Minneapolis!  I get all giddy just driving into the city and seeing this sight!  Ha!  Plus we wanted to take part in the celebration.
Cousins!  It was hard to get a picture with them all looking and/or smiling.  Ha!  Jack was done with pictures and photo shoots!  This is a neat picture because it is 3 sets of brother/sister pairs, Craig and 2 of his brothers all had a boy and a girl.  
Our family with Jack, and apparently he couldn't keep his eyes open in any photos!  Ha!
Cousins Evelyn and Brooke- aren't they so sweet?
My little man and his sister
The boy cousins- there are only 3 of them out of 9 grandchildren!  And can you tell Andrew's favorite place to be is with his cousins?
Jack with his mom, dad and sister.  Love this sweet family!
We all went out to Broadway Pizza after the service.!  Plus the train that goes around the restaurant is a plus- the kids love it!

I was trying to take their picture when the train went by above them!
Craig photo-bombing our selfie!
Andrew thought it was the best thing in the world to have Evie and Jayden at the hotel with us too!  We all had a yummy breakfast the next morning and the kids all enjoyed making their own waffles!
The big kids all had gone swimming after we got back the night before, but it was too late for this little girl so she was thrilled to put on her suit in the morning and swim!
The kids had a blast in the pool together!
Hot tub time!
For some reason they were all obsessed with these brochures that were at the hotel.  They all wanted to pick them out and were reading the maps and playing with them!  So funny.
It was a rainy drive back.  Kerigan had remembered that she got muffins the last time we were here from Darlene and so this time when we went to their house on Sunday for lunch before we headed home, Kerigan whispered to me "Mom, Auntie Darlene has muffins!"  Ha!  So Darlene gave her a pack of them before we left and she thought it was the best thing in the world!  She crashed before she could finish them all!

Until next time... and we will be back because we LOVE Minneapolis!