
Thursday, May 15, 2014

mother's day keepsakes

I love Mother's Day.  I honestly feel like it is just another day, though.  Every day is Mother's Day to me.  Minus the cooking and cleaning!  I do like to reserve this day, along with 2 other days of the year (my birthday and Christmas) where I can just sit, relax with my kids and not do any work!  Ha!
My sweet girl made me this precious necklace at day care and on Friday when I picked her up she could not wait to have me open it.  I begged her to let me wait until Mother's Day, but she wouldn't have it!
I opened two of these sweet necklaces (one for her, one for me) and this hilarious card.  I think my nose is probably my WORST feature so I have no idea what she was thinking!  Maybe she misunderstood the question- ha!  And I love that she said she loves to go to the store with me because that is so true!  My girl and I can do some serious shopping!  And my necklace?  Yeah, I haven't been able to leave the house without it the past week.  She asks me every time she sees me where my necklace is.  So I wear it proudly.  She is so proud.  And that is what being a mommy is all about!
My little man waited very patiently until Sunday morning to give me his presents he had made at school.  He came home so excited on Friday.  And I think he felt a little left out when Kerigan started giving me her things!  But I reassured him I couldn't wait for his gift and it would give me something to look forward to on Sunday.  Literally the second I rolled out of bed Sunday morning he made me open it.  I couldn't even eat a bowl of cereal first!  Ha!  He was also so proud of what he made.  Handmade things are just the best, aren't they?
On Mother's Day it was rainy and chilly.  We had planned to grill like we do every year with my mom and Jim.  But the rain kind of dampened that plan... but not our spirits!  Although I have to admit I was a little disappointed for a while, but we had the best day and I ended up happy with our decision to go out!
We took mom and Jim to a yummy restaurant here in town that we love to eat at.  They have the best appetizers and their food is outstanding!  We went around 4:00 so it wasn't busy at all and we had lots of time to go back to our house for dessert and gifts afterwards!
Mother's Day selfie at dinner!  This was taken about 5 minutes before this happened...
Someone has decided she no longer needs to nap so she waits until the point of exhaustion and falls asleep around dinner time almost every day.  She fell asleep in the middle of eating!

We were laughing so hard at Kerigan and taking video of her that Andrew wanted me to take his picture pretending to sleep too!  Ha!
After dinner we came back to our house and mom opened her gifts from us.  I made lemon bars and we had so much fun!  Mom and I talked and agreed that we liked eating out almost more than grilling!  Less work for us and no clean up for anyone!  
These two love their Ga Ga!

My Mother's Day gift was something very special that I had been wanting to do for a long time.  Craig left all the details up to me and just brought his checkbook along!  Ha!
This was an old school table that my dad had when he was a principal.  He had brought it from his school and I used it growing up for a play table in our basement.  My mom used to set it up for my birthday party as the "kid table."  It has been in the family for as long as I can remember.  I decided I wanted to do something special with it so I could always have it as a keepsake.
There is a studio in town where a lady does wood burning.  She is amazing!  I looked up some ideas and brought them in to her and she carried out my dream.  I took pictures of it in stages so we could keep track of the progress!
This is when she was in the middle of wood burning it.  I told her I wanted it to be for a boy and a girl (obviously), so we did a castle, unicorn, dragon and frog.  Kerigan calls the unicorn "HER" unicorn, and Andrew's is the dragon.
I love how she designed it so both sides of the table could see it right side up.  So clever!
Kerigan and I stopped in one day when I wasn't working and she had started painting.  She does it all black first, then adds the color.
It happened to be ready on the Friday before Mother's Day!  So we picked it up on Saturday.  And Craig told me it was my Mother's Day present for about the next 30 years!  Ha!
I love it beyond words.  I have always wanted a fun kid table for the kids to draw, eat, play games, etc.  They love it!  It is seriously one of the most beautiful pieces of kid furniture I have ever seen!  To think it has been sitting in our unfinished basement before we moved for the past 7 years!!  Craig wanted me to get rid of it long ago as it was taking up space and served no purpose.  I kept saying no because I knew someday I wanted to do something special with it.
I got these red and blue kids chairs from IKEA and they are perfect with it!
Just some close up photos... I love the words around the outside edge!
Andrew is in love with this dragon.  He is pretty cute!  Ha!

I love how it incorporates learning with the book, art with the easel and paintbrushes, and imagination with all the fun and whimsical characters!  It is just amazing and I know my dad would be so happy and proud that I made it into a keepsake.  I can't wait to pass it down to my kids (now the only problem is there's only one table and 2 kids!  Ha!)
Happy Mother's Day to the most amazing woman I know.  I wouldn't be the mom I am today if it weren't for your example.
And I have to give a little shout out to my mom because she is retiring this year!  She has been a school secretary forever (since she met my dad... he was her principal!  Ha!)  She has also wanted to retire forever ago!  It is finally her turn and we are so happy for her.  When I first had my babies I wanted her to retire so badly so she could watch them instead of sending them to day care.  But it didn't work out that way and I almost like this better because now she gets to see Andrew at school, go on field trips, have lunch with him at school, shopping trips with Kerigan... they are going to love getting to spend more time with their Ga Ga!  Congratulations mom! I don't know anyone who deserves it more than you!