
Friday, August 15, 2014

a fruity summer

I'm doing a little more catch up before the craziness of school starts next week!  I can't believe the summer is winding down already and school supplies are flying off shelves and back to school pictures are already all over Facebook.  Where did the summer go!?
Earlier this summer we went to pick strawberries with our friends.  It was Kerigan's first experience doing this.  Strawberries are pretty much her favorite fruit, so I knew she would love to do this, and see where they come from and how they grow!
Emily, Grace and Kerigan
It had rained a ton a couple weeks before so the field was pretty wet and some of the strawberries weren't as good.  So it was a little hard to find perfect ones.  But we still had fun!

Kerigan and Grace- sweet friends
Riding in the truck that took us out to the field
My girl with her strawberries
Love this grin!
The kids have also been enjoying their other favorite fruit- watermelon!
Whenever Papa comes over he brings watermelon for the kids.  I have a love/hate relationship with watermelon.  I love to eat it, but I hate cutting it, and I hate the seeds!  I think it is the biggest pain to prepare.
So the kids love it when Papa comes because they know they will get watermelon and Mama loves it because he cuts it for them!
Watermelon is Andrew's favorite fruit.
There's just something about a sticky hands-and-face picture with watermelon rinds!

More summer catch up coming soon!