
Sunday, November 30, 2014

to grandmother's house we go

We always kick off the holidays with the Huegel Christmas the weekend after Thanksgiving.  This is all 9 of the Huegel cousins!
This year the kids did a gift exchange, and we were so glad we did that!  It beat having to buy 9 gifts and this way the kids got something they really wanted and they all enjoyed seeing who had each other's names!  Jack had Andrew's name.
And Andrew had Jayden, which thrilled him to death.  
Evi had Kerigan's name.  Kerigan was so pumped about this Cinderella wrapping paper!
Kerigan and her special big cousin!
Uncle Jay is Kerigan's Godfather so he got her a little something special, which she loved!
I got this print for Craig's parents- at the bottom it says "where cousins become best friends."  I thought it was perfect and so fitting.  Andrew would be the first to tell you his best friends are his cousins.  And Kerigan just loves them too.  They are all so blessed to have each other and get to grow up together!
These two cracked me up in their elf jammies!
The only three boy cousins!  Playing the iPad together.
I loved this picture of Kerigan surrounded by a million treats and goodies and she begged for oranges!  Ha!
One of Andrew's favorite things to do is have a sleepover with his cousins.  They all get popcorn or treats and watch a Christmas movie in their sleeping bags.  It has become a tradition and the kids all love it!
Games are always a favorite part of the weekend too.  Kerigan played Connect Four with Grandma!

Then Saturday morning we always have Christmas with Craig's grandma and all his aunts, uncles and cousins.
Kerigan wanted to take selfies and make faces before we left- Ha!
Love my girl!
Everyone always brings fun things for all the kids to do and this year one of Craig's cousins brought tents!  Such a great idea!
The kids always have fun playing with their second cousins too!  Craig has over 30 cousins and most of them all come and everyone gathers in this big hall and we play games and eat and visit.  It is always a fun time!
Jayden and Andrew being silly!

This is Craig's sweet grandma.  She is an amazing lady.  I am always amazed that she has so many kids, grandkids and great-grandkids and she remembers every single birthday.  She always sends a card and $5 every year. 
Andrew's second cousin Ellie- they have been little buddies for a while and love seeing each other at weddings and gatherings.  They are always dance partners!
Craig's sister had a baby girl Kenzie and she is the youngest Huegel cousin.  Kerigan just adores babies and she loved spending the weekend with Kenzie.
When we got home she wanted to get out her Olaf slushie maker from Evi and of course had to put on her Elsa dress to match!  Ha!

One Christmas under our belts... it's going so fast!