
Thursday, April 9, 2015

hopping down the bunny trail

(I realize it's Memorial Day, but I'm just that behind!  And sticking with my goal of an update every couple of days... I had to post today!  I'm sure I'll be posting pictures from today in another month!  Ha!)
So, backing up to Easter!  The kids and I wanted to try the recipe for bunny bait from Pinterest, and oh my gosh.
So delicious and better yet, so simple!  I melted the white chocolate chips instead of almond bark and I think that gave it an even better flavor.  
Then we had bunny bait and watched Hop.  Perfect for Easter weekend, right?
Love these sweet kids!
The EB surprised the kids and came a day early because he knew we were going to Grandma's!  They were so excited when they woke up and saw that he had left them a scavenger hunt to find their baskets!
The clues were inside eggs that were hidden all around the house.  They had a blast!
Kerigan took the clue out and Andrew read them and they both figured out where to race to next!
This would have been super fun for mommy and daddy to watch too if it hadn't been 6am when they woke up!  Ha!  I was so tired and barely keeping up with them!  Craig gave up and dozed on the couch until the end of it!  Ha!
Clues in their shoe bins!
Even in the van!

This was a typical reaction- ha!  Andrew grabbing the egg and Kerigan reaching for it!
I was a bit delirious at this time of the morning, so I didn't even get a picture of their baskets!  They were in our walk in closet.  Ignore the unmade bed, we had literally just rolled out of it!  Ha!
This was one of her gifts- she loves to match her bitty baby!

After opening baskets we headed off to Grandma and Grandpa Huegel's farm!
Stopped at Subway for lunch- love this toothless grin!
The first thing they always want to do is play on Grandpa's rock pile!
Andrew on the tractor with his cousin Kennedy
My sweet girl- she was all girly and dressed up with her hair in sweet curls, yet she can throw on her old jeans and get dirty with the best of them!
A hug for Grandpa!
Great Grandma came to see the kids dye eggs and have dinner with us.  She is the sweetest lady!
The cousins had fun dyeing eggs together!

And playing with daddy in the basement!
They love to hide behind the wall and have wars with the dads/uncles.  Usually they have nerf guns, sometimes they just invent things.  
They always have a blast!
My sweet kids before church on Easter Sunday at Grandpa and Grandmas.
She was so precious sitting in the pew with her hymnal!
After church!  Ready for an egg hunt!
Here are the cousins that could make it this weekend.  We were missing Abby and Evelyn and Jayden!  But no matter who is there, the kids always have fun and know they will have at least some cousins to play with!  
Racing off for their egg hunt!
Checking out her stash!
Grandparents & some of their grandkids!
On the way home from the farm, we always stop at Ga Ga and Papa's!  They had more treats for them!  Our kids are so spoiled by their grandparents!
He was so excited about his new Skylanders!
Their stash from Ga Ga and Papa!
Easter selfie!
Papa grilled burgers and brats for us for the first time this season- it was such a beautiful day!
Happy Easter!  So blessed by my little family!