
Monday, May 4, 2015

kansas city here we come!

I get asked a lot if we ever stay home.  Ha!  I must say I do love to be busy and on the go, and I love to make experiences happen for my kids.  Yes we do stay home... but sometimes spontaneous trips are fun!
So Angie and I decided to take a mini road trip to Kansas City a few weekends ago!  I had read online that our favorite Crown Center had a fairy tale exhibit and I just knew I had to take the kids!
First stop- Fritz's for lunch!

I had to admit this time that the food isn't the best, but we just love the atmosphere and the train delivering our food!   
My little engineer!
Here comes the food!
The kids just love to watch the trains go around and try to figure out which one is going to stop at our table!
After we ate we headed over to the exhibit at Crown Center!  It did not disappoint!
They got to sit in Cinderella's carriage!
Make Pinocchio's arms and legs move!
And cross the bridge by Sleeping Beauty castle.  Everywhere you looked there were little interactive places from the most popular fairy tales.

The Three Bears house!
And the big bad wolf!

I could barely get them to stop long enough to take pictures, they were so excited!
Ha!  The Princess Prince and the Pea!
Inside each house there was something fun you could do, here the golden goose moved back and forth and laid golden eggs!
You could pretend to climb a beanstalk!

Snow White!  The mirror on the wall made an image of the queen and talked to the kids!
Who will help me bake the bread??
The Three Little Pigs had the wolf hanging from the chimney!
They even had Elsa!
And Olaf!
This is how happy she was about seeing Maleficent!  Ha!  She was really mad because I was making her take a picture and she didn't want to!

This was such a fun day and there's more to come!  The rest of the trip coming up...