
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

first and last

We're up to the last week of school!
The last week of school!  The kids brought flowers to their teachers.  Kerigan was cheering because it was her last day of preschool.

She had field day on her last day.  Since she's a summer birthday she got to bring treats and celebrate.  She was so excited.
But even more because her daddy came to help at field day.
Eating her birthday popsicle
Her daddy is so special to her.  Here she is with her field day trophy and her favorite guy in the world.
I had to throw this picture in because it was so cute.  Dan Wardell from our local public TV station stopped at her preschool and the kids were all so excited.  
Andrew said "I wish Mrs. Friday could be my teacher forever."  He had the best year and learned so much.  We are so proud of him and thankful for awesome teachers!
A couple of days before school got out the whole school gathered on the lawn for a color run!
They all decorated white shirts in P.E. class and they couldn't wait!
They had to go through obstacles and then they got color on them as they ran through it!
This was so much fun- the kids and teachers all had a great time!
Is she a fun teacher or what?  I will always crack up because before Andrew even knew her he wanted her for a teacher because her name is Mrs. Friday.  Ha!  I bet now he'd pick her again for more reasons than that!
Some of his best friends in his class
We tried to get his class together for a picture!  Ha!
This is me and my class of 4th graders.  Yes, I opted out of running through the color!  But I'm pretty sure most of my students would still tell you I'm fun!  Ha!  I had the best class this year- I'm going to miss them!
Kerigan came too and my students all just love her.  They were on a mission to get her to talk to them, and today she decided to!  They were happy.
Andrew's class had a field trip the last week to Reiman Gardens on the Iowa State campus.  They have a butterfly house.  My mom was so excited since they were in her town she got to meet them there!  She had instructions to take some selfies of her with Andrew but this was all I got!
I'm sure they were very busy!  But Andrew thought it was so special to have Ga Ga join him!
And here are my precious kids on their last day.  They both just look so grown up to me.  I can't believe how much time flies.
How is he going to be a 3rd grader??  
I think his face has completely changed from a baby face to a boy.  His front teeth are both replaced by permanent ones now, which I think always makes such a difference in their grown up look.  He's definitely grown a few inches too!  I could not be more proud of him as he passed a 4th grade level reading test at the end of the year!  Going from below level in Kindergarten, to 2 grades above is pretty incredible.
Selfie on our last day!  School had just ended and we were happy and excited for summer!  Although Andrew did cry for the 2nd year in a row about missing his friends and not having the same class next year.  Sweet boy!
And this girl.  Oh my word.  How she has grown and changed I am just amazed.  She knows all of her letters and most sounds already.  I am already starting to work on sight words with her because I know she can do it.  She's a smart cookie!  We aren't sure if she'll have just one more year of preschool or two, since she's a summer birthday we have to decide if she'll go to Kindergarten when she's 5 or 6.
It's that fine line- do we want her to be the oldest in her class and first to do everything (like drive, etc) or the youngest... the one riding around in the cars with everyone else.  Sigh.  I'm certain that academically she'll be ready.  We'll just be doing a lot of thinking and praying about it this year!  For now I'm glad she has one more year with her awesome preschool teacher.
I loved having her wear the same outfit she wore on the first day.  Her dress is definitely shorter and her little saltwater sandals barely fit!  I love how long her hair has gotten.  She's just turning into such a big girl and she's just as sweet and precious as all of her pictures.

We've been having a busy and fun summer already and it is flying by!  More updates coming soon!