
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

tiny dancer

I wasn't sure how I was going to like having Kerigan's dance recital on Mother's Day weekend, but it actually worked out really well because we got to see both grandma's and celebrate with them!
Craig's mom came into town Friday night and we went out to eat.  Kerigan loved doing the puzzles with her!
Andrew had a blast playing Headbandz with grandma!

It was a super busy week of late nights for my tiny dancer.  But I was so proud of how she handled it.  I absolutely loved reliving my youth through her!  It brought me back to my dance days.  I danced from the time I was 3 (her age) until I graduated high school and I loved every minute of it.
My sweet girl walking into her very first recital.
These are her two best friends Annika and Lily.  She has pretty much been joined at the hip with them since we moved here when she was only 2.  I love that they are in dance together- they have so much fun!  
Andrew was not too happy about sitting through a 4 1/2 hour recital.  But he had the iPad!  Ha!  And halfway through it Papa took him to Ev's for a huge ice cream cone!  He wouldn't want to admit it but he actually enjoyed watching his sister, and several other kids he knew from his school.
All ready for the recital!  Three sweet girls!
My sweet little dancer
And a daddy's girl, for sure.  I love this picture so much.
My sweet girl on her first recital.  I had so much fun getting her all ready for this.  She wore make up for the first time and she just ate it up.  I had to watch a you tube video on how to do her bun!  Ha!  But it turned out pretty good!
They did three dances and the finale.  This one was my favorite.  She was a little sunflower and they popped up out of these flower pots.  It was adorable!
They had little watering cans and "sprinkled" each other in the pots!  So cute!  I have to say that these little girls just stole the show.  My favorite part is how they always tell each other where to stand and point to each other's spots if someone is in the wrong place.  Ha!  They crack me up!
Then after the song they got back in them and the bigger kids came and dragged them off stage as they waved!  It was so cute!
Their other dance was Broadway Baby. 
It was such a cute dance!
Here's my little broadway baby!
She did so good on stage.  I was so proud of her.  She is pretty timid when it comes to people she doesn't know, and it takes her a while to warm up and get comfortable with things sometimes (that's where she's unlike her mama and brother! Ha!)  I was really nervous about her seeing the audience and clamming up and just standing there but she did the moves and kept up pretty well!
So here's a little peek of the backstage chaos!  Ha!  They all sit back here in groups and entertain the girls the whole time during the recital.
It felt strange to be in the audience and away from Kerigan for almost 5 hours!!  But she was obviously having fun and being taken care of!
They brought toys and coloring books and just played.  I was also worried that she would be so tired not getting a nap, but she did great! She is obviously growing up!
Here they were waiting to go on stage.  I love this picture!  They all look so serious!
This was the finale.  My girl on center stage!
I just love her dance teacher Miss Kimi.  She is so great and the kids just love her.  My favorite part is that before each of the dances, she kisses the little girls right before they go on stage.  How sweet is that??  We are so lucky to have found such a wonderful place for Kerigan to take dance!  I enjoyed watching the whole thing as many of my students were in it as well.  It's fun to see all the families and know lots of the kids!  Just another thing I love about our town!
After the recital we couldn't wait to hug our girl and shower her with flowers and gifts!  Big brother loves his sister so much!
Papa and Ga Ga were proud of their girl!
Grandma spent the weekend with us and we loved having her!  Kerigan just loves her and always wants to see her. 
She was SO PROUD of herself.  She had worked so hard and she was so happy.  I just love her so much!!!
We all went out to our favorite pizza place for dinner to celebrate!
Lily's family was there too!  The girls loved going into the restaurant with their costumes on!
On Sunday we went to my mom's to celebrate Mother's Day.
The kids had fun giving Ga Ga her gifts.
I got this sweet letter from my precious boy!  I love how he said I take him on vacations.  It is so important for me to give my kids those experiences and I'm so glad he cherishes them!
I have seen this several times and it makes me chuckle every time.  This couldn't be more true!  Ha ha!

It was a perfect weekend celebrating my daughter and my mother!  I couldn't have asked for a better mother's day!  I am so blessed.