
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

wrapping up the school year

Swimming lessons are almost over and we're ready for summer!
Kerigan did amazing in lessons this month.  We switched to lessons though the Y this year instead of a fast week during the summer and it went so much better.  She's pretty independent and learned how to swim with just a floatie all the way across the pool.  She can also do the back stroke! 
This day was so cute, they got out the little boat and practiced with it.
This was taken from far away but I loved her little face!
Ready to swim- this was on her first day of lessons.
I think she's more than ready for summer swimming and lake livin!
This was so cute, my class at school was performing a reader's theater and wanted to perform it for Andrew's class.  He's in front in the blue shirt.  I say this all the time but this year I have loved teaching at Andrew's school.  It has allowed me so many opportunities to be with him and see him during the day!
The other day I had the morning off for an appointment and I got to take Kerigan to preschool.  
I loved hanging out with her and her friends for the morning!
This was her spring picture day at school- this face!  This is usually her mood in the morning as we are trying to rush around and get out the door.  She's obviously not a morning person- just like her mama!  Ha!
I must have bribed her to smile or something!
Andrew brought this writing home from school and it cracked me up!  My sister is a pain because she doesn't get one thing I say.  And she's a pain because she drives me crazy and mom crazy.  Ha!  I'm not sure what to say about it.  But let's just say he's not entirely incorrect!  There is so much truth to terrible 3's.  I don't want to wish away her years but oh my.  I'm looking forward to 4. 
My sweet little second grader had a poetry read the other day and I was so thrilled another teacher covered my class so I could go watch him.  Daddy, Ga Ga and Papa and Kerigan came too and it was so special.
The kids all had sparkly ties and crowns!  
They had been studying poetry all year that was written by a man from our town who comes to the school with his daughter and reads his poems to the kids while they practice with fluency.
This was a poem about Christmas and Andrew got to stand in front and hold the props!
This sweet man is Mr. Johnson, the one who wrote all the poems.  Andrew just loves him.  He has hearing aids too and made a special connection with Andrew right away because of his hearing aids.  He calls him his buddy and he makes Andrew feel so special.  He reminds me of my dad and how his relationship with Andrew would be if he were still here.
Kerigan came to my classroom after the performance and entertained all my students!  She loves writing on my boards so she was showing them how she can write her name!
The 2nd graders are learning about life cycles and this day Andrew and his best friend Gavin came down to my class to show me their frog hats!  I thought they were so cute!
Sweet boy!
The kids had their last Awana a couple weeks ago.  This was Kerigan's first year in Cubbies and she came a long way!
She is always singing the songs at home and loves to learn verses.  She has learned so much and I believe she really knows and loves Jesus.  It has been special to watch her grow in faith.
She got an award and certificate for finishing her first book.
My sweet boy Andrew finished his last year in Sparks.  He will move up to the next age group next year.  He's growing up so much!
Singing about Jesus!
Getting his ribbon for finishing his book.
They had a hot dog supper and popsicles!
Standing by the cross with their ribbons.
They wanted to make a silly face- ha!
Then last week my boy had his music concert.  This was him in the morning before the concert.
The kids are bussed over to the high school for the program and they all get up on the stage.  It's a pretty big deal!
The best part- my 4th graders were in the concert too so I got to be there for their practice and all the performances.  I'm so lucky!
I was so proud of him!  He actually sang and did the actions and he was so cute!

Look at that smile!
The kids love taking baths in my big jet tub.  I usually let them do this on Friday nights and they always look forward to it!  Soon, every night will be like Friday when we are out of school!  I'm going to have to set up a schedule for baths and sleepovers or they will want to do it every night!
We had a big surprise on May Day when our doorbell rang and some of our friends had dropped off baskets for the kids!  How fun!  We can't wait to see more of these friends this summer!
I see this on facebook every year and it always cracks me up!  Couldn't be more true- Ha!

Bring on summer!