
Sunday, June 14, 2015

dreamnight at the zoo

We always love attending Dreamnight at our local zoo.  It is a free night for families of children with special needs to enjoy the zoo, eat hotdogs and meet characters!  It is also a fun time to see lots of other families that we don't see very often.
First person we ran into was Andrew's old best friend Nicholas.  These two attended preschool together since they were 3.  They were each other's first best friend.  It was fun to reconnect and see them again!  Since we moved, the boys don't see each other much more than once or twice a year.
Andrew spotted this guy right away!  He can't wait for the new movie to come out this summer!
As you can see, Andrew was thrilled to stand by these characters... Kerigan?  Not so much.
Grace and Andrew- heart buddies!
As we were eating, there is always this man with these fun toys to entertain the kids!
Fun walking the zoo with other heart families!
Emily and Andrew rode the train together!
Sweet girl wanted to sit by her daddy
The giraffe's always fascinate me.  They come so close to the gate and they are just so huge and majestic!
Giraffe selfie!
I.Love.Her.  So much.
Just strolling through Africa...
And getting poked by rhinos!  Ha!
These are Andrew's favorite- by far.  They have only been at our zoo for a couple years and this was the first year we have seen them outside.
She insisted on waiting in a long line for a glitter tattoo.  That literally NEVER came off!  I thought these were just like a regular tattoo that would come off once you wash it but this one stuck for a good week and even then had to be scrubbed off!
She was super proud of it though!
This was so cool, the sea lions were coming right up to the glass!  The kids loved it!
Hippo water fountain... or hippo sprinkler?  It felt good to cool off!  Even though the temperature was just perfect.  We have had a really great summer temperature wise this year.
When the kids got their souvenirs, she decided to stand by the tiger.  A rare occasion.
We always close down the night playing on the playground.  We had a great time and are so thankful for this special evening!