
Thursday, July 2, 2015

summer road trip {day 2: myrtle beach}

Good morning from our picture perfect view from our balcony!
After eating at Waffle House (I lost count how many times we ate there!  We LOVED it!) we went mini golfing.  Andrew had seen about a million courses on our drives around and was begging to go.  We thought it would be a perfect time to go during Nash and Kerigan's nap time.  Ga Ga stayed with them and Mary, Andrew and I had a blast!  Andrew picked the course and it was so much fun.
And this guy... got a HOLE IN ONE!!! (See how perfectly it's lined up?)
He was so, so proud and excited!
Selfie after Andrew's hole in one!  I actually got a hole in one too, so Mary was feeling left out- ha!  We all had so much fun together.  I wish we had more time because we would have gone to all the different courses!  There are so many in Myrtle Beach!  And mini golfing with a view of the ocean?  Not too shabby!
When we got back and the kids woke up, we gave Nash his birthday gift!  He was so funny, he just loved standing on the box!

Then we got ready and headed back to Broadway at the Beach!  We wanted to go to the aquarium and then have dinner and hang out there that evening.
Giant shark mouth!
There were more mermaids!  Kerigan couldn't have been more thrilled.
They had a special show where mermaids actually swam in the tank and we could watch and then meet them after!
They played music and they "danced"/swam around to the music.  It was so interesting!  Another first for us!
Then they swam up to meet the kids after the performance!  So neat!
These guys hung out with Mary and saw the sharks while K and I were at the mermaid show!
Mary sent me these cool pictures of him touching the sting rays!
He was pretty excited!
Afterwards we got back together and explored the rest of the aquarium!
This cracked me up!
Trying to pull the sword out!
I couldn't believe she went and held his hand like this!
This was Nash's first visit to an aquarium.  I think he liked it!
After the aquarium we walked around and had dinner.  Broadway at the Beach is such a neat place!
They had all kinds of fun things to see and do!
Andrew begged to ride this!
He was so funny!  He loved it and did a pretty good job!
Sweet picture I took at dinner.  The kids were loving on Nash!  This was our last night with them and we were going to miss them!
We went into a girly boutique and were walking around when we couldn't find Andrew.  We were looking all around and then found him!  Up on the dress up stage hamming it up!  Ha!  We all just cracked up.  He is such an entertainer!

After walking around for a while we headed back to the hotel and put the kids to bed and mom, Mary and I sat out on the balcony and chatted until about 1am!  It was so nice to see Mary and reconnect!  We wish our time could have lasted forever!