
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

back to school fun!

Our friends Lily and Preston hosted a "Penny Arcade" for all their friends as a back to school kick off!  Last year we did an ice cream party at our house and I decided this was going to take the place of that because it was so fun, all the kids got to see their friends one last time before school and the best part??  I didn't have to plan anything!  Ha!
They have the perfect yard complete with a treehouse!  It's a kid heaven!
It was so much fun!  The kids had to pay a penny and then they could play games.  Lily and Preston had games set up all over the yard!

These two buddies love golf!  I think I know what to get Andrew for Christmas now!  He could have done this all day!
Well, golf and finding toads!
They loved the slushies!
It was a perfect end to summer!
Kerigan got this baby carrier for her bike for her birthday and now she's got all her friends wanting one!  It is the perfect gift idea!  They have had so much fun riding their babies around!
We had a lunch date with Annika and her mommy!
And Kerigan's first friend to spend the night!  How precious are they??
Good morning!  Everyone slept perfectly!
Sweet girls on their way to church the next morning.
The kids did some hanging out at Ga Ga's so I could get my classroom set up... someone just loves to chill and eat snacks on her porch!
This sweet girl wanted to "help" me in my classroom!
She hung out while I worked on my classroom door.  I have to give credit to Pinterest, but this is seriously my favorite door ever.  I never want to take it down!
Hanging out in mama's classroom library!
Our sweet little Parker was born right before school started.  He had to be in the NICU because he came a little early so the kids and I took his gift and went to visit them.  Unfortunately the kids couldn't go in the NICU (even though I told them it was Andrew's "home" for his first 5 weeks of life!)  So they hung out in Angie's room while I visited Parker, and what a SWEET baby!
He came home on the first day of school so the kids and I couldn't wait to get over and meet him.  They were in awe!  They think he's their baby!  Ha!
I told them they would have to convince this guy before that would ever happen... and that's never gonna happen!  Ha!  Although believe me we tried... and he's pretty smitten.  But still no.  Ha!
This precious sweet boy was so so happy to have a boy join Payton and Piper!  He kept saying he couldn't wait for Parker to be born and he wishes he was 8 so he could play with him!  Ha!  But he has his buddy now, and Andrew will always look out for him and have his back!
He's SO tiny!
I just have to share more because of how proud Andrew is... he can't get enough of him and keeps saying he wishes Parker was our baby.
We think Payton and Piper are pretty lucky to have this sweet guy for their brother!
Angie and I took Payton and Kerigan for big girl pedicures to celebrate school starting.
She can't stop talking about the bunny chair!
This was her first real pedi all by herself and she was so proud!
And silly!
This was our first taste of fall... we had to stop in Bath and Body works and buy some of their soaps and a candle!
Angie and I were cracking up because we kept saying the soaps smelled so good we could drink the stuff!  Ha!
Sweet girls making wishes...
Then our friends came over for dinner and here's what happens when there's only one boy old enough to play with his sister and her friends!  Ha!  He's a good sport most of the time!
We had some back to school appointments and Andrew loves these chipmunks that are outside Dr. Noble's office.  He wanted a picture by them!
We signed these sweet girls up for tumbling!  They are so excited to be in class together.
We went out for ice cream to celebrate before Ev's closes for the season!
And these sweet friends started their first day of dance!

Whew!  I think that gets me caught up to the first day of school... coming soon!