
Thursday, September 24, 2015


It was birthday craziness in September!  Kerigan had four birthday parties (one was in August!) plus my birthday was at the end of September.  One of the parties I agreed to help out with- a friend of mine in town hired me to do the decorating!  So I was a little nervous but it all worked out! 
This was our friend Payton's birthday.  One thing I have said about our town since we moved here and I hired Little Princess Parties for Kerigan's Rapunzel party.. we have kept Little Princess Parties in business!  Ha!  Lots of friends have jumped on the bandwagon and hired princesses, and the little girls just go crazy!
 This party was for Kerigan's friend Gianna from her preschool class. It was at an adorable little  charm place in the mall.  The girls had a blast making bracelets and having a dance party with black lights!  So fun!
Then we had a swimming party and a princess party on the same day!  Too bad the swimming party was first but we made it work!  This is Kerigan's friend Naysa from day care.
Then immediately following swimming, we had to do a quick wardrobe change, wrap her hair into a (wet!) bun and head to Avery's Cinderella party!  This was the party I helped decorate- but I can't take credit for that carriage!
Of course "Ella" came to the party!
My nephew's wife has started a business and does cakes and cookies for my kids parties now, so my friend hired her to do this party too and it was amazing!
How cute are these??
I put together my "banner magic"- I love doing banners for my kids birthdays!
The carriage made a pretty amazing backdrop for pictures!
So after all that... we had my birthday celebration!  We have started a tradition of going to our favorite pizza place in town.  Kerigan had dance right before this so she's in her leotard!
Then my mom had my nephew's wife make my cake since we all enjoy her cakes so much!  I LOVED this Disney themed- "Never grow up!"  Couldn't have been more perfect for me!
My sweet little family showered me with love and I couldn't have asked for anything more.
Then some of my sweet friends in town got together to celebrate mine and Angie's birthdays since they are so close.  We went to a favorite restaurant and just had a mom's night out- it was awesome!
Then Angie and I got to have a special spa day one Saturday afternoon between our birthdays!  We were so giddy about this day!
These pictures are not good but I had to document how much fun it was!  We went about an hour early before our appointments and just soaked in the hot tub and chatted.  It was amazing, uninterrupted time us busy working moms don't get very often!  Then we had an hour massage and pedis!  Then lunch afterwards!  Bliss!
Then as another tradition, my mom enjoys taking the kids and I to Minneapolis for a fun weekend to celebrate my birthday.  This is my little man and I on our favorite roller coaster!
My sweet girl
The kids enjoy meeting the Nickelodeon characters!
And of course... this is a must.  One of our favorite places for sure.  Except maybe Andrew... but he was a good sport!
See exhibit A.  Ha!
She always has so much fun playing with everything!  I am waiting a while until she can really appreciate the real American Girl doll (she loves her Bitty Baby right now!) but this was definitely the first time that she showed a lot of interest in the bigger dolls and all the activities they have for them.  She liked the tumbling and dance one.  
I know we will have years of fun at this place!  I want to make it a birthday tradition for her to take her doll and have lunch in the tea room... but again, I am saving that for a special birthday when she's a little older.
My kids and I on the new Bubble Guppie ride!
She poses like this all on her own.  #diva
She loves the Dora train!
Andrew is getting big for this but Kerigan always wants him to ride it with her.  He's a good big brother!
And he got to take her on her first roller coaster by themselves!  He took good care of her and she had a blast!
There they are in the back!
We are still waiting for Rainforest Cafe to open (hopefully next trip!) so we ate at Bubba Gump again.  We have gotten to love it there too!
It's fun atmosphere and the kids meals come in these little boats!
And who doesn't love Forest Gump??
This cracked me up- digging for his toy from the Disney store when we got back to the car.  He had to stick his whole head in the bag, Ha!
We had a special late night swim in the pool.  We always stay in this hotel, mainly because we love the pool!  It has neat lights that are lit up at night and tons of windows.
And waffles for breakfast!?  Yes, please!
And of course a morning swim before taking off for more shopping!
Love these sweet kids!  They make my birthday so special!
Water fight!
Getting ready to pack up- she plopped down on the luggage rack.  I put the quote on facebook "Can we just stay one more day... pleeeeeease!?"
The rest of the day was spent at the awesome new outlet mall in Edina.  And the kids were troopers while Ga Ga and I tried on clothes!  This idea is genius by the way.
My little shopping partners!  I suppose one day Andrew won't want to come and spend the whole time shopping... but for now he was so good and sweet.  So I'll enjoy it while it lasts!
This picture cracked me up.  My mom sitting and waiting with all the bags and the kids while I wrapped up in a couple stores!  Ha!  #shoptilyoudrop

Best birthday ever!

Monday, September 14, 2015

super heroes!

I'm slowly plugging away with updates... trying to catch up on fall before Christmas!  Yes, some of the decorations are up... but I digress.  I'm one of these people:

So onto the update!

Back in September (I know, I know) our heart support group teamed up with the Superhero Heart Run and put on a super fun race!
The kids all dress like superheroes and had the best time!
My superhero and I!
Iowa Energy photo bomb!
Kerigan is slightly obsessed with this Captian America dress!
This was only part of the crowd!
And again.  Just because she's cute.
All participants get a cape, which is really fun!  Instead of always doing t-shirts, the cape idea is such a fun one!  Because really, our kids ARE superheroes!
This same company makes "extra" special heart hero capes for heart kiddos.  Andrew got his several years ago and always wears it proudly!
Getting ready to walk!  Capes blowing in the breeze!
Walking for her big brother!
One of our favorite heart families!  Andrew and his sister Lainey are good friends of our kids, they are all super close in age and we always love getting together at heart events!
These two were so funny and could not get enough of this thing at the park!  I have no clue what it's called but I remember them from when I was a kid!  You hold on and run on it!  They kept falling and giggling!  Silly girls!
Our HEART family!
And my people.  Other heart mamas.  We love each other so much- we have this bond that no one else can quite understand.  We kinda feel like superheroes too!
And a certain little girl and her daddy came home and crashed.  Sweet dreams!
Here's to our special, amazing, brave and awesome superhero!  We love you buddy!  You are INCREDIBLE.