
Monday, September 14, 2015

super heroes!

I'm slowly plugging away with updates... trying to catch up on fall before Christmas!  Yes, some of the decorations are up... but I digress.  I'm one of these people:

So onto the update!

Back in September (I know, I know) our heart support group teamed up with the Superhero Heart Run and put on a super fun race!
The kids all dress like superheroes and had the best time!
My superhero and I!
Iowa Energy photo bomb!
Kerigan is slightly obsessed with this Captian America dress!
This was only part of the crowd!
And again.  Just because she's cute.
All participants get a cape, which is really fun!  Instead of always doing t-shirts, the cape idea is such a fun one!  Because really, our kids ARE superheroes!
This same company makes "extra" special heart hero capes for heart kiddos.  Andrew got his several years ago and always wears it proudly!
Getting ready to walk!  Capes blowing in the breeze!
Walking for her big brother!
One of our favorite heart families!  Andrew and his sister Lainey are good friends of our kids, they are all super close in age and we always love getting together at heart events!
These two were so funny and could not get enough of this thing at the park!  I have no clue what it's called but I remember them from when I was a kid!  You hold on and run on it!  They kept falling and giggling!  Silly girls!
Our HEART family!
And my people.  Other heart mamas.  We love each other so much- we have this bond that no one else can quite understand.  We kinda feel like superheroes too!
And a certain little girl and her daddy came home and crashed.  Sweet dreams!
Here's to our special, amazing, brave and awesome superhero!  We love you buddy!  You are INCREDIBLE.