
Monday, August 10, 2015

summer wrap up

As usual, summer just flew by!  I had a to do list of things I wanted to get done this summer while I was off work and only about half of it got crossed off.  We were just too busy having fun and making memories!  I decided I am just going to have to resort to the fact that my never ending list of things to do and little projects will NEVER be done.  I realized that the only way I would ever get them all done is if I had no kids, no husband, no job and all I had to do was.... nothing.  And that certainly doesn't sound like any fun at all!  So I am waving the red flag and accepting the fact that I'm a busy working mom, and I would rather be doing life with the ones I love!
For July I signed the kids up for a program 3 days a week called Live Wires (for Andrew it's called Sparks).  Kerigan's was in the morning and Andrew's was in the afternoon.  I loved it because I got to spend time with each of them by themselves.  They loved doing the crafts and activities and getting to play with their friends.  In between their classes we took picnics to different parks and had lunch together!
 If it were up to them we would eat Subway for lunch and dinner every single day.  So I try to think of things that are like it that we can also add a little variety!  Ha!
They discovered they love wraps!  And they are super easy for me to make (I just buy the tortillas, and all they like on them is ham and cheese!  Easy- and a great thing to bring on picnics!) 
Because why wouldn't you climb the monkey bars in cowgirl boots?
We went to our friend Betsy's birthday party and it was HOT.  They had a hay ride and ice cream- the kids all had fun playing!
I have loved growing Kerigan's hair out a little bit.  I am experimenting with different hair styles and loved braiding her hair this summer!  Now that it is getting thicker, I can't find ponytail holders that don't break!  The ones that don't break are too slippery and fall right out!  I'm on a mission!
My little mermaid loves taking baths in my bubble tub!  With her mermaid.  Ha!
I did lots of reorganizing of toys... and she had fun "helping!"
Kerigan loves helping me bake.  Whenever I am in the kitchen (which isn't too often!) she always asks if she can help me.  I love my sweet little helper.
She drew this sweet picture of her family!
This guy just had the best times when he could stay home in his pajamas and not to anything or go anywhere!  Those are his favorite kinds of days.
Kerigan did amazing with 2 sessions of swimming lessons this summer.  She graduated to using a more difficult floatie belt and jumping off the side all by herself (she's in the white swim suit).  Her head goes under the water and she totally loves it.  A few months ago she would have never been this confident.  We are going to continue her lessons this fall and winter because she's on a roll!  And she moved up to the next class!  So proud of her.
After her last swimming lesson we celebrated with pizza... and cookie dough!  The kids love the Papa Murphy's mini pizzas they can make themselves.
Another Subway lunch date while Andrew was at Sparks!
For Dairy Queen Miracle Treat Day we decided to invite all our friends and swamp the DQ in town!  It was so much fun!  We had an amazing turn out- Andrew felt pretty special that they all came out to support him!  This is Heidi and her niece, Landry.  Heidi is our neighbor and also has a heart defect she was born with!  She is such a special friend and her and Andrew share a bond!
Sweet friends and blizzards!
We have the best friends and we are so blessed!
Andrew loves this guy!
And our neighbor and buddy Jackson!
We took over all the tables outside and had so much fun visiting with all our friends!
Sweet Emily!
And sweet Piper!
Grace and Andrew share a bond too!  Special hearts!
Our last week off I decided to brave the pool by myself with both kids and it went so well!  I love them so much and had so much fun getting my hair wet and swimming with them!
Andrew got brave and did the swimming test so he could go in the deep end and off the diving boards.  He even went off the high dive for the first time!
He was so so funny.  He would walk to the railing... then stop and take deep breaths for a while.  Then he'd turn around and go back down the ladder.  He wanted to do it so badly.  He kept going back up and finally after about the 3rd try he did it.  I was so so proud of him!
Tired and wet after a fun afternoon at the pool!
We went to the zoo with our Help A Heart support group and it was such a nice day!
The kids earned free passes from doing their reading at the library so it was a perfect time to use them before heading back to school!
We had been to the zoo earlier with Dreamnight, but you can never do the zoo too much!  The kids always love it.
Feeding the fish!
They love the shaky bridge!
We always love going to the Help A Heart meetings when it's summer because the kids can stay up later!  Plus mommy loves the extra time during the day to hit some stores!  These two are a big help while I'm trying to shop- HA!
Andrew just could not wait to see the Minion movie and he insisted we see it with our cousins!  So we made that happen and the kids were all so excited!
Ice cream treat after the movie!
Worn out from all this summer fun!  She's starting to be done with naps most of the time but if we've had a really busy day she will usually fall asleep pretty well!

Just one more summer update before back to school!  Maybe I'll get caught up by Christmas!