
Thursday, October 8, 2015

fall fun

Here's my attempt at catching up before Thanksgiving...

Back to Homecoming.  My little and big Bobcats before school on homecoming Friday!
Andrew's and my elementary school are in the parade every year and so we had to be there a little early.  The kids were all bummed thinking they were going to miss the parade.
As we were walking to meet our group, the beginning of the parade started so we just kept walking as they passed us.  It just cracked me up!  They had their own private parade!
All the kids know Daddy so they just kept throwing tons and tons of candy out to our kids, it was super funny.  We couldn't carry it all!  I hadn't brought them bags because I knew we were in it so wouldn't be collecting much.
Bobcat football team!
Finally met up with our crew!
My sweet boy.  How I love being at school with him!
And my girl will be there... soon enough!
After the parade they have coronation in the high school auditorium.  Kerigan was just in awe of all the pretty girls in their dresses.  We were literally out the door on the way to the car and she was having a fit because she wanted a picture with the "princess in the red dress."  So I took her back in.  I digress.
Of course lots of fun at the homecoming football game!
BFF's cheering on the Bobcats!
Our family trip to the pumpkin patch will be documented soon, but Daddy got to join Kerigan on her class field trip and can you tell how happy she was about that?  #daddysgirl
I think he had as much fun as she did!
My 20 year class reunion was held on a weekend in October (yes I am that old- scary!)  The first night was a family event so I took the kids while daddy was working.  They were so precious to be my little dates- I was so proud to show them off, as they are the best things I've done in 20 years, hands down.
Then Saturday morning we had a tour of our old school!  My mom still lives in town so I have seen the high school many times since, but it was so fun being back with my old classmates and visiting our old locker and places we used to go!
These were 2 of my BFF's in high school Shannon and Lisa.  We all basically shared this locker with about 7 of us!  It was centrally located and we always met here and hung out between classes and stored our stuff in it.  Fun memories!
Four of us!  A few couldn't make it but we missed them!  I graduated with about 350 people, so I didn't know everyone there- but certainly recognized almost everyone!
Out on the field!  Many, many games were attended throughout high school.  My parents would always joke because most of us just went to the games to hang out and I would often come home not even knowing the score or if we won!  But I sure had fun socializing!  Ha!
Lisa and I went back to our old stomping grounds after lunch with a few of us on Saturday.  Dutch letters!  We would drive here during our lunch breaks a lot!  So yummy!
Then Saturday night we had a dinner, it was so fun to go and visit and see everyone who could make it back home!
This was the crew from my old elementary school- there were 7 in my hometown.
Lisa and I
More friends!
This was a group picture of those that were still there around 11pm!  Ha!  It was a great weekend of reconnecting.
And since we were staying with Ga Ga and Papa, they took us to Sams so the kids could start their Christmas lists!
Then after dance one night, she came to Hobby Lobby with me for one thing and it turned out to be shopping around the entire store and wanting everything we saw!  Ha!  She is obsessed with Nutcrackers now.
I loved this picture I took of her before dance.
Another night we came home from dance and our friends had "Booed" us!  We got little treat sacks full of goodies- how fun!
We had to make a stop at the doctor's after school one day for flu shots.  You can see how they both felt about this.  Ha!  Open heart surgery's got nothing on a flu shot!
We've been enjoying gorgeous fall weather.  It seemed to take a while before it cooled off and we wore short sleeves for a lot of October!
We had a fun dinner/movie date with some friends to see Hotel Transylvania 2!
Such a cute movie!
Just some Saturday morning pancakes in our Frankenstein PJ's.
Followed by some fall baking!
She loves to help me bake.  I usually plan an entire weekend in October to make pumpkin bread.  I make several batches and freeze about 20 loaves!  Lots to give away and take to family gatherings for Thanksgiving.  I love getting it all done at once!
We love the Jack-o-lantern pizza from Papa Murphy's!
My little man had a fever one day and woke up thinking he was sick so we stayed home together.  Here he was after some Tylenol.  Ha!  We enjoyed snuggling and playing games all day!  I love this kid!
Happy fall!