
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

road to nationals {st. louis}

Our kids love to swim in the mornings after breakfast as I am packing and getting ready to check out so this was our last morning in Nashville.  We were driving through St. Louis on the way home because we love it there too!
I thought the pools were really neat with lots of windows and awnings like this.  None of them had hot tubs though!  It must be too hot in the south for hot tubs!  Ha!
We had a few people lined up to check on Belle (the cat) while we were gone.  Angie sent me this text and it made me super homesick!  Sweet Payton cuddling Belle in our entryway.  I loved it too because I know Belle missed us and I was so happy she had company!
In the car on the way to St. Louis I looked up the Gateway Arch and purchased tickets for us to ride to the top when we arrived later that evening.
Here you can see all the construction around the arch.  It was super hot, and super hard to find a place to park!  But we managed.
The kids were so excited once we found our way around all the construction and finally made it to the line!  They liked looking at all the pictures along the way and hearing about how the arch was built.
They loved these little cars that took us to the top.
We're moving up!
Made it!
Andrew was so cute, he had all these questions to ask the people at the top.  The man at the bottom had told us to ask a lot of questions up there because the guards there just stand around and don't do much!  Enter: Andrew!  Ha!  This lady was so friendly.
Loved the shadow of the arch out the window!
Busch stadium was on the other side.
We were up super high!
More learning!

Close up!
And a little photo shoot... I just think the arch is so pretty in pictures like this!
So after taking some pictures we were ready for dinner.  It's hard to explain how hot it was and how tired we were!  I did not feel like walking 3 steps let alone blocks and blocks to find a restaurant.  So when we spotted this, I almost died.
Yes.  Please.  A Cinderella carriage.  Pretty much straight out of any little girl's dream.
She didn't even know what to think.  She was completely in awe.  And if I'm being honest, I was too!  I was so happy I think I would have paid $1000 to ride on it!  Ha!
I think secretly the boys were even happy about it!  None of us wanted to walk another step.
The driver took us on a nice little ride around downtown and the breeze felt so nice!  Not only that but she recommended places to eat for us and dropped us off right at the door!
After dinner we headed back to the hotel to swim!  
When we got to the parking lot Craig was all giddy when he saw this.  It made me laugh.  He thought it was pretty cool that these people were staying in our hotel.  He was carrying on so much I asked if he wanted a picture with it and he goes "kind of!"  Ha ha.  This is a guy who hates pictures and is always telling me to put the camera away.  

Next up... more St. Louis!