
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

happy summer

I saw this on facebook and laughed out loud.  I texted it to Angie and told her I think we are safe!  Ha.  I use that emoji more than anything else.  I probably overuse it.  But what can I say?  We like to have fun and laugh around here! 
In case you couldn't tell!  Ha!

You can't help but laugh at this kid.  He was being a zombie and came walking toward me like this.  Kind of creepy considering Craig and I are obsessed with the Walking Dead.  He's never seen it and somehow he knows about zombies.  Ha!
Then Ga Ga was spending the night the other night and was in the basement bedroom laying with Kerigan and I came down and saw him like this.  He said he was guarding the door and he was marching back and forth in front of it.  He seriously
We are preparing for our big move and met Ga Ga and Papa at a furniture store the other day.  The kids had fun laying on all the beds and running around like they were in a huge house.  #nexttimeleavethemhome
Kerigan was with me in the bathroom while I was getting ready the other day and she was trying to look out these windows by our tub and she goes "Mama, your windows don't work!"  I thought it was so sweet.  And it made me chuckle.
We went to a movie with our friends and ate at this new delicious italian restaurant called Jetheroni Pepperoni.
It was so yummy!
These two. #besties
One afternoon my friend texted me and asked if we wanted to do something for the police department in town.
So the idea was born.  Tons of friends met at church and made cards and wrote letters to the officers and we had pizza.
It was such a good community service activity and good for the kids to learn gratitude for the people that help keep us safe!
Angie, in true teacher form, sat the kids in a circle and talked to them about what we were doing and we all said a prayer.
Then we walked 2 blocks to the station!  These two held hands the whole time.
The chief came out to talk to us and they were so thankful.
We also collected a box of on-the-go snacks they can grab quick before heading out on patrol.  It was a special way to show appreciation to our community!
The other night Chad and Angie dropped Parker off so they could take their girls to a movie.  The kids and I had so much fun with him!
He is such a sweet baby!  He said "An-doo" the other day and Andrew is so proud.  He's saying it was Parker's first word.  So sweet.
Andrew had his best friend Gavin over the other day after STEM camp.  We are trying to have lots of play dates and times with our friends before we move!
Then our sweet friends planned a going away party for us at Zeno's!
This picture makes me laugh- can you tell we were bribing them with cake??  Ha!  These are some of the special kids our kids have been blessed to become friends with during our time here.
Andrew's friend Gavin was running late so he was saving a seat for him!  Ha!
Some silly boys!
And girls... what is is about picking each other up?  These girls love to do this.  I'm worried they are going to break their backs!
Angie found this perfect shirt for Craig to wear on his first day of school at his new job!  Hahaha.  His face cracks me up.
These are our people.  I can't say enough about our group of friends we have made here.  Any of them would drop anything to help each other out and I have called many of them to do just that.  We have been each other's support systems for everything... new babies, relationship struggles, life changes, you name it.  We will miss them dearly.  
Just a few of my girls... I can only pray that in our new town I will find bonds like I have with these women.
Angie had us over for s'mores after the party and the boys were Pokemon-ing.
Their family came over one night and we had pizza and then Chad took the girls to a sleepover.  Angie stayed and hung out with me since Craig was gone overnight and working late. 
Sweet girls at their sleepover
Andrew and I Face-Timed daddy from bed!  We got to have the house all to ourselves so we were cuddling and watching a movie in our bed.  I loved time alone with my boy!
The next morning Craig had to go to our new home inspection and he texted me this picture.  Ha!  He knows the things that are important to me!
So my friends are always teasing me because I have a thing about getting to movies early.  I worry that they will sell out or the theater will fill up and we won't find seats together.  So our town was playing Aladdin at this old fashioned theater downtown and I wanted to go early and save seats for everyone.  We texted this picture and told them all they better hurry because seats were filling up fast!  Ha ha. #notsomuch
We just can't spend enough time with our friends!