
Thursday, September 1, 2016

everything is awesome!

My girl says Kindergarten is awesome!
Her teacher sent me this the first week and I love it so much.  My girl in Kindergarten.  How can that even be possible?
Her teacher also sent me this- she learned how to go across the monkey bars all by herself and was so proud!
We celebrated the first week of school with Froyo with our awesome new neighbors!
Brady thinks Andrew is awesome!
These girls spend every waking moment together.  They are in the same class, and dance together.  And if one of those things isn't happening, then they are at each others houses.
Kindergarten wears a girl out!  Ha!
We couldn't have picked a better neighborhood!
First day of dance!
Moms get to sit and watch them through the window but they can't see us from the inside!
I took video of them doing the little talks like the You Tube videos.  They were pretending to be surprised and opening Shopkins and then talking about them.  I love their imagination!
Snapchat fun!
This sweet new friend Amara also lives in our neighborhood in back of us.  They are also in the same class!  I have a feeling I'll be saying this a lot but we just couldn't have been more blessed by this neighborhood, school and town.
Sweet girls getting ready to party at Amara's birthday!
Our weekends pretty much always look like this.  A bunch of neighbor kids all playing outside.  There were days the kids went out in the morning and didn't come inside until dinner time.  I just love that I don't have to worry about them and I know they are all having fun together!
Four peas in a pod
And if it's even possible, there are even more boys than girls around here.  Andrew is just in heaven.  The majority are 4th-6th graders so he fits right in.  This is a bike/running race they were all having one night just down the middle of the street.  We don't have to worry about traffic, and if there's a car it's usually a neighbor and they all know to watch out for kids everywhere!  The moms and dads just all stand around and visit.  I'm telling you, it's just like those neighborhoods you see in movies!
When the big boys aren't playing, our little neighbor loves it when Andrew plays with him!
This little boy, Jack, has become a good friend of Andrew's.  They are also in our neighborhood and in the same class.  On picture day they both showed up in the same shirt!  Ha!  Their teacher took a picture and sent it to us.  So funny!
Andrew wrote this in his planner one day and it cracked me up!  (No homework.  Teacher said that!  She did say that mom!)  It was like he was trying to really convince me there was NO homework!  Ha ha.
When we're not hanging in the 'hood playing with friends, we do get out and explore our new surroundings!  This day was furniture shopping.
And when we learned there was a Scratch cupcakery we definitely had to check it out! #heaven
Kerigan got a new "ladder" bed (she calls it that because it's a loft and you have to climb up to get to it!) She was beyond excited for daddy to put it together!  And do you love how she's right in the middle of him trying to work?  Ha!
Just chillin on her iPad!
All done!  Now we just have to paint her walls and decorate!  I love her little arched window and vaulted ceiling.
So now we read before bed in the chair.  Daddy's too big for the ladder bed.  Ha!
Activities are in full swing and Kerigan started Gymnastics.
She loved watching the Olympics so much and Simone Biles is her idol.  She loves Gymnastics because she gets to do the beam, vault and bars like Simone!  But we recently got her involved back in tumbling too because she wants to compete.  So she's going to pick up where she left off and is so excited!
I talked Andrew into trying out Taekwondo again after a break last year.  He had to start all over again with his belts because it's a different place but he loves it and is doing great!
Kerigan and I pick him up after gymnastics and she tells me she wants to do Taekwondo too!  This girl!  She would let me sign her up for everything if I let her!
Just hanging out and having a sweet moment.  Andrew set up a tea party for her.
He's really into magic right now and loves to practice his tricks and do shows for us.
This is not magic.  Just snapchat!  Ha!
Sweet girl had pajama day at school and got to bring a toy.  So she was thrilled to bring her matching baby!  #twinning
This just made me laugh.  #momlife
Just a little princess candyland with my princess
Andrew adores his new man cave.  He decided it's his room and no one else is allowed!  Ha! #notgonnahappen.  Our house still has a lot of work like hanging TV's, painting and remodeling a kitchen and bathrooms.  But we'll get there eventually! 
She doesn't spend much time without her friends, but this day she found some princesses.
Just chilling in her bedroom.
One afternoon after breakfast we found this chicken.  And she insisted on stopping for a picture to send to Ga Ga in Alaska.  Ha!
Speaking of Ga Ga- she and Papa were gone way too long!  The kids were so excited when they got back and brought them some special gifts from Alaska!

More catching up to do!  Coming soon...