
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

holiday kickoff

Daddy's team made it to the state championship game so the kids and I headed out to the dome to watch the game!  It was so exciting!
This was probably one of the coldest nights of the winter so we were so glad it was 78 degrees inside the dome!
The kids cousins met up with us at the game too!  So that boosts things up a bit!
They were so excited!
Silly selfie with my girl!
Go daddy!  Unfortunately, they lost, but 2nd in the state isn't too shabby!
I loved this candid of Craig and his brother chillin on the field discussing sports. :)
Group shot!  I could not get Andrew to cooperate.  He was too excited because Jayden was coming home with us to spend the night!
So proud of our guy!
The next day we headed back to our old town to join friends for the annual Holiday Stroll!  Since we had Jayden, Evie and Aunt Rachel came to meet us to pick him up.
It was so fun connecting with our old pals!  And Rudolph!
They had a little gingerbread house that the kids could decorate with ribbons, bows, candy, etc.  I wish we could've seen it at the end of the night!
Then we went inside another store to decorate cookies and have hot chocolate!
Love the fire in the background- why does it make it seem cozier, even though it's just a TV?
While we were waiting to ride the carriage, Craig went and got a bucket of donuts and started passing them out!  Ha ha.  He must've been hungry!
We always love taking a carriage ride!
Andrew and his best buddy/cousin
The best family picture we could get on a moving carriage with a silly son!  Ha!
Of course we couldn't leave without seeing Santa!
I love this picture.
Andrew writing his letter asking for none other than Skylanders.
Then we met up with more friends for dinner at our old favorite- Zenos!  Oh how we've missed you Zenos.
We stayed overnight with Angie and Chad so we wouldn't have to drive back so late and these two crashed first!  Ha!
Then this was so sweet- the next morning we were talking to them about Andrew's upcoming Rock museum his class was having.  Chad is a science teacher and rocks are kind of his thing!  So he ran up to the high school and brought Andrew back a collection of special rocks, complete with a description of each, for Andrew to take to school!  It was so awesome.
On the way home the next day- you'd think she'd just had a sleepover the night before or something?  Ha!
All dressed up for a 2-day Thanksgiving week at school!
The last day of school before Thanksgiving break here is Andrew at his rock museum.  He was so proud!
I loved how he wrote "I got it from my dad's best friend."  So sweet.
Andrew and his buddy, Jack.
Since I was there visiting the museum I went down to Kindergarten to get my girl so she could see the museum too!
Love these two!
Of course I had to spend a little time with her back in class too!
And she loves it when I come out to the playground with her for recess!
And why not throw another sleepover into the short week!  When there's no school on Wednesday, Tuesday sleepovers are the best!  These two are inseparable.  #likesisters

Bring on Thanksgiving Break!