
Sunday, July 16, 2017

birthday weekend

My sweet girl wanted her party at Sky Zone this year.  She loves trampolines and friends!  A perfect combination!
I was looking at this picture and all but 3 of these kids live right in our neighborhood!  She had 2 girls that were on vacation and couldn't make it to the party.
So I was laughing because I tend to go all out for birthday parties- even ones away from my house.  I decided it's easier to do off site birthday parties a while ago, but after this one I changed my mind!
The problem is, I still enjoy planning and decorating, so it's hard for me to just let the venue take care of things.  I decided I drag half my house to the place anyway, so it doesn't really make it easier!  Ha!
Normally I don't make my own cake, but this year I decided to for a special reason you'll see in a minute!  I always have cupcakes for the kids and a cake for the family/adult party later.  And for her to blow out her candles.  These cupcakes were an easy Pinterest project!
I stumbled upon these rainbow tablecloths and plates at Target this summer!  Perfect!  The rainbow water bottles are from Amazon.
I made this sign for her, which is hanging on her door right now in her bedroom.  She looked at it and said to me "It's just so beautiful I can't stop looking at it!"  My sweet girl.  It makes everything worth it!
So the girls working at Sky Zone were just having a fit over my decorations, Ha!  I was cracking up because one would leave, and another one would come to look and then they'd send someone else to come look.  Yes I brought my glass topiary jars to Sky Zone!  Call me crazy.
Bring on the jumping!
The kids all had a blast!
Hello rainbow girl!
This is her flirting with Justin.  Ha!  I just can't get over the look on her face!
Slam dunk!
Three sweet friends
More friends!
And an awesome big brother!
Andrew is a pro at this stuff!
Two precious neighbor girls Reece and Amara!
Sky Zone is just so fun!

I always have to look back and chuckle at who ends up sitting by the birthday kid.  Looks like somehow Justin won the contest!
Kerigan's friend Rylee brought her brother, Ben, for Andrew to play with!  These two had fun getting to know each other in Wisconsin this summer during tumbling nationals!
These glow in the dark rocket copters are SO COOL!  If you haven't tried them, I highly recommend!
I love the look on Avery's face!  Best friends are the best.
She loves this Shopkins game from Reece!
Happy birthday my sweet girl!
I love this.  Surrounded by her new friends.  A year ago, we barely knew these kids.  Now I know they'll be friends forever.
So.  I decided I couldn't throw a rainbow birthday without attempting to make a rainbow layered cake.  Believe me when I say, I am no expert.  I usually mess up when it comes to baking and cooking!  I ended up with a ruined red and orange layer until I realized you have to put parchment paper under the cake when you bake it.
Not the best picture.  The layers were uneven, but I think for my first time, it turned out okay!  The kids and Kerigan loved it!  It was fun to see their reactions!  Don't ask me if I would make it again though!  Ha!  #highmaintenance
I just don't know how she went from 6 to 16 overnight!
Her sweet tumbling friend, Rylee
Neighbor friends Catie and Avery
She got to spin the birthday wheel!
This year Ga Ga and Papa came to her friend party and then came over afterwards for cake and presents and to spend the night!
Papa reading his card to her
She got Moana Legos she had been wanting from Ga Ga!
And Papa gave her Wet Head, which we have played approximately 867 times this summer!
The kids have had a blast with this game!
It's perfect for a hot summer day!
We finally started just giving them a big bucket of water to refill the hat with so they didn't have to keep coming in and out to get water.
What is it about getting wet that is so much fun??
They've loved playing with all the neighbor kids too!  So much fun!
On Sunday it was Ga Ga's birthday so we went to lunch at a special restaurant nearby.
My two favorite girls in the world
I love that they get to celebrate together!
Happy birthday Kerigan and Ga Ga!  It was a very special weekend!