
Friday, June 23, 2017

june catch up

Here are a few more things we did to kick off our first summer month!  Strawberries and watermelon just scream summer!
This is "Grandma" Jean.  She is the sweetest lady in the world.  My parents and she and her family have been dear friends for years, ever since I was born.  They all had a place at the lake together and we had so much fun growing up with Jean's family. 
 She's in a nursing facility now and she loves it when we come to visit.  The kids had to introduce her to snapchat!  Ha!  She is 91 years young!
To relive their lake days... mom had to sneak in some Jose Cuervo!  Ha!
Then we had some more people to visit!  Our friends were in the hospital with their little guy Parker. 
 He was just having a little surgery and wasn't contagious so the kids could go visit too!
We love this family so much!
Then of course, we had to do some furniture shopping!  For some reason my kids don't mind coming here- must be because of this big chair, and free cookies!
This coffee table is genius, right?  They wanted to buy it!
Then poor Andrew had to have some cavities filled- I texted this picture of him to my mom and she sent it back with the words on it!  Ha!  He was not thrilled.
He wanted me to take a picture so he could see what it looked like!
My sweet girl helps me remember to water the flowers... because my thumb is any color but green!
Just a trip to the gas station and had to pose by this- ha!
We had the car stuffed with garage sale items as we headed back to our old town to have a garage sale with our friends!
These two got to catch up- and can you tell they were happy about that?  Lily's mom Ashley used to babysit Kerigan and these two have been friends since they were 2!
These three got to have a sleepover while Angie and I prepared for the garage sale.
Sweet Piper was SO adorable playing with all the toys I brought to sell.  She was obsessed with these princess playsets and she didn't have to twist my arm too much for me to just give them to her!  Ha!
Then we continued on down the road to Ga Ga and Papa's and this girl fell asleep like this.  Ha!
They helped Papa wash the cars!
I'm not sure why but they just love doing this!
I mean, look at his face!  He's really putting muscle into it!  Ha!
That night this guy had a birthday party
Our nephew Jayden's birthday always lands towards the beginning of summer and it's a perfect reason to celebrate!
Sweet girl loves bowling!
When grown brothers get lost at a birthday party.  Ha! #nevergrewup
Kerigan just loves her big cousin Evelyn
Like father like son
Then the next day we celebrated Father's Day!
When my dad passed away I was so sad that my kids would be short a very special grandpa.  But I can't say enough how much Jim has stepped up to fill that role for them.  He loves them like they are his own grandkids, and I could never thank him enough for that.  We are so blessed!
This guy is a pretty special daddy too!
It was such a beautiful day so we went to Reiman Gardens on the ISU campus
They were having this amazing display of trash and garbage made into sculptures.
Love this pretty girl so much!
This guy too!  

These displays just blew us away- they were so cool, but a little bit sad too at the thought of all the littering that goes into our oceans.

Here is an example of what this penguin looked like up close
Who knew the world's largest Gnome was right here in Iowa?
Look at all those nets that animals get caught in!
We loved having Ga Ga come along with us!

This was a gorgeous day and the best way to spend Father's Day!
When we got home the kids gave Daddy their special card they made
All of his favorite candies!
Baseball season ended mid-June for the kids
Kerigan just loved her first experience with T-ball and can't wait to play softball next year!
Super proud of her!
Celebratory last game dinner! 
Best friends #9
This guy had his last game too.  He worked so hard this year but decided he doesn't like the competition part of baseball.  He has some anxiety about getting hit by the ball and just didn't love playing.
This mama is bummed about that because I loved watching him.  I know with more practice he could be a great pitcher and player!  He had a really good time pitching.  But I realized I can't force him to play next season so we will see how he feels then.  Always proud of my little man, no matter what!