
Friday, June 9, 2017

last day of school & summer camps

How is this even possible?
Kerigan had the best year in Kindergarten.  When we moved here and she had just turned five I was extremely hesitant about sending her to kindergarten when she was so young.  Her preschool teacher assured me that she was ready, as she was already reading. But I still needed convincing.
So when we registered Andrew for our neighborhood school and had a tour with our principal, I just knew it was the right place for her.  The school is basically in our backyard and there were about 7 other kids in our neighborhood that were all starting.  I knew she needed to be with those kids and go through school together.  She was more than ready.  She came out of kindergarten reading at a second grade level.  Nothing short of amazing.
This teacher right here made it happen.  Once I met her I knew again that we had made the right decision.  Mrs. Halverson was the perfect kindergarten teacher.  She has personality, energy, and a love for kids that just made her stand out.
And this guy.  I'm not gonna lie.  He had a tough year.  Math isn't coming easy for him and he really struggled.  But he worked hard.  And he's a great reader.  He didn't struggle with the social aspect.  I mean, we picked him up from 3rd grade and plopped him in the middle of another new school and he had to start all over again.  He made friends right away, and he is just the best kid.  He's so well behaved in school and I am so proud of him.  He shows respect for his teachers and classmates and that is more important to me than anything else.
We got to know this sweet family and Andrew and Tanner became best friends this year.  We were so sad that they moved to another school and this was Tanner's last day here.  Andrew was super bummed but luckily they are still living in our town so we will still get to see them!
And the last day of school wouldn't be complete without a baseball game, right?  Andrew had a game and Avery's sister had a game and they played right next to each other.
Do you think these sweet girls were more than ready for summer vacation? #slightlyexcited
Avery's dad got a new jeep and the girls were super excited to ride home from the game in it!
It's summer!  Time to get out the ice cream American Girl accessories!
The first day of summer break and we're back at school!  Ha!  This guy decided he wanted to read Diary of a Wimpy kid books... FINALLY.  It only took him years of convincing.  I finally just bought the DVD's and we watched the first one together.  He loved it.   I had the book set in my classroom so he insisted we walk back to school and get them! 
Then someone else got into reading them too!  Ha ha.  Something else to fight over!
We went to see the Captain Underpants movie!  Andrew had already read all of those books!  And he didn't want a picture by the sign.
Kerigan is not a big electronics kid, but once in a while I can get her to let me sleep in a little bit in the mornings!  Ha!  #itssummer #iwanttosleepin
When it's still light outside at bedtime.  Ha!
We started getting to have picnic lunches outside!
Our neighbor Catie is a couple years older than Kerigan but they love to play together!
We started off summer with a ton of camps
This guy had Taekwondo camp for a day
It was so hot, but they had a ton of fun!

They filled tons of balloons and had a water balloon toss

They ended the day with a giant water fight!
Someone loved it!
They also had a giant waterslide on the hill that the kids all took turns sliding down on.
Sister had to get in on some of the fun after tumbling practice!
Then Andrew had STEM camp with his friend Tanner.  He made all kinds of neat creations!
Kerigan did art camp.  The P.E. teacher at our school lives in our neighborhood and she and another art teacher host this camp every summer in her garage.
It was so nice, the kids could just walk right down the street!
The last day they had an art show so we all got to go see what she worked on all week.
Kerigan went to safety camp for 2 weeks in June.
It was so cute, they have this little town all set up that the kids can drive in and learn safety rules.
They had railroad crossings
And street signs and lights
On the last day they had a program for the parents to come and see what they had done all week so they got to show us their little cars they drove!
They all sang their safety songs for us!
It was a great program and was perfect to start summer with all the playing outside, swimming, etc that the kids do.
Kerigan learned so much and had fun!

We shared rides with another family so here we were waiting at the playground!
The kids could not get enough of this updated version of a merry-go-round!

Kerigan conquered the monkey bars!

It's been a busy but fun start to SUMMER!