
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

4th of july

A couple of sweet kids in their red, white and blue
This was the first year in our new neighborhood and some of our friends were out of town.   This was the first year we didn't go to the lake, or party with our friends in our old town.  I missed the lake and our friends.  A lot.  But we ended up doing some unexpected things with neighbors and having a great day!
I'm not a huge fan of crowds.  But we decided to head to the parade as a family to make it fun for the kids.
They loved getting #allthecandy

This cracked me up- Andrew decided to take a break from Taekwondo in the summer and then he saw his gym's float and instructor and all the kids in the parade!  He was trying to hide- Ha!
I thought these balloons made to look like fireworks were so cute!
Kerigan loved the cheerleaders from Daddy's school!
Me and my sweet guy- love him so much!
Santa?  In July?  The kids loved it!
We were so excited Ga Ga and Papa drove to visit us and brought the home made ice cream maker!
And watermelon! We grilled out and had a nice afternoon!
They played a mean game of ping pong!
After Ga Ga and Papa headed home, some neighbors invited us for a fire pit and it was so much fun.
That's what I love about our neighborhood- someone is always home and everyone is always invited!
They just used the fire to light their sparklers!  Ha ha.

Kerigan and her sweet friend Reece.

Next we headed to watch the fireworks.  And brought more sparklers, of course.
We avoided some crowds by parking above the huge field and watching them from the top of the hill and it worked perfect.

They weren't quite the same as watching them reflecting over the lake, but I was with my family, and that's the most important thing.
When we got home we had homemade ice cream before bed.

Happy July 4th!