
Monday, August 7, 2017

minnesota fun!

We had to have one last hurrah before summer got too close to being over so we headed north to visit our cousins in Minneapolis!
They took us to one of the most fun parks we have ever been to!
The kids all had a blast!
I think we could have stayed here all day!
The boys!
There were so many cool things to play with here!
This was like a skateboard attached to a slide!  Andrew loved it!
We had to pull ourselves away and we stopped at the mall for a little bit.  They had cool lego displays so the kids enjoyed looking at those.
Then our favorite part of the day was heading to Minnehaha Park!
We rented these surreys and chopper cycles!
Everyone had a blast!
She was too short to reach the pedals on the chopper but she loved her surrey rides with Daddy and Mommy!
Next we hiked down to see the falls
It was a beautiful view!
The kids had so much fun exploring!
I could not love these two more
We always enjoy being with Craig's brother Keith and their family!
Next stop!  The next day more cousins joined us for a super fun family day at Valley Fair!
My kids are beyond blessed to have so many cousins around the same ages to do these fun things with.
So much joy right here!
Does Andrew look dizzy?  Ha!
Big girls on the big coaster!
Craig and Jason always love an opportunity to act like a kid again! #brothers
The old cars were a big hit
They offered a nice break from the huge coasters that mostly consumed the day!  Ha!
They loved getting splashed by the log ride going by!
Valleyfair has a fun water park so the kids had a blast here for part of the day too!

Kerigan is the youngest of this group and Evelyn and Brooke are so sweet to her and always include her.  She looks up to them so much and thinks they are just the coolest!
Andrew could not be happier than he is right here.  He's got his besties, and he's at a waterpark. #hisdreamday
They just had a blast when they could all ride together like this!
Here we are in line to ride the Wild Thing!  This is one of the biggest and scariest coasters!  They talked me into riding, and everyone had fun laughing at my screams and shrieks the entire time!  Haha.
There was a smaller kid area that was perfect for Kerigan
Everyone had fun riding some rides with her too!

Just tormenting Snoopy!  Ha!
This little ride went slowly above the Snoopy area but for some reason the kids loved this one.  I think it was Kerigan's favorite.
Sweet Evelyn riding with Kerigan on this ride that is like the tea cups.
This is a memory the kids still talk about
They begged to go on the river rapids but it was getting dark and cooler, they didn't care!
They asked to go again and again, and there was no line so the workers let them just stay on!  They were soaked by the time they were done!
So they had to ride some more roller coasters to dry off!  Ha!
Kerigan spent that whole time with Daddy in the Snoopy area.  She loved these little cars that ran around a track and yanked her around corners.  She would just laugh and laugh.  She was in her happy place right here.

We closed the park down and didn't leave until around 11:00pm!  The latest Kerigan has been awake all summer... maybe ever!  That's what summer nights are for, right?

Lots of cousin memories made.  And lots of happy kids.  #success