
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

labor day weekend

This cracked me up.  I mean seriously though, Craig's schedule is such that he is often not home at dinner time.  And let's face it, the kids are the pickiest eaters on the planet.  Cooking is not my thing.  Ha!
Whenever we lose Belle (which does happen often!) we always look here first.  She loves Kerigan's bed because she has a really big window and a loft bed!  She loves to lounge in the sun!  
She sleeps with Kerigan most nights too.
This boy reading before bed- his favorite thing to do!
These girls had Nutcracker try outs
I was so thrilled she wanted to do Nutcracker since I was in it as a little girl as well.  We couldn't wait to find out what part she got!
And I may have cried when we found out she was going to be a Polichinelle (a Mother Ginger kid).
This was my first Nutcracker experience as a kid also, and it was so nostalgic for me to watch my daughter get to be the same part!
These two besties were slightly excited they both get to be Polis together!
Over Labor Day we headed up to the lake/farm to see my aunt, uncle and cousins!
The kids just love getting to ride horses and explore the farm!
This is their sweet miniature horse, Daisy
And they always love to tease Ga Ga with the chickens! 
Here they were running to bring a chicken to her!  Ha!
Andrew loves the kittens.  He found this special one with one eye.  He has a soft spot for animals with differences!  Sweet boy.
Then Kolton took him for a fast ride in the 4 wheeler!  And they insisted I go next, which I may or may not have regretted- Ha!

After the farm we took the kids to the lake for a little while

This place is my happy place
I grew up coming here as a kid and walked along this same beach at their age
They could wade in the water for hours
Special memories!
A certain guy asked me to marry him sitting on this very bench overlooking the lake.
They love to play in the fountains!
They found our family brick!

Kisses on the seawall 
We headed back to Ga Ga and Papa's and the kids had a bubble bath and a sleepover!
Ended the weekend with these girls selling emojis in the neighborhood!  The ideas they come up with!  Ha!
Look out neighborhood!  They are both riding with no training wheels!
Beautiful fall evenings in the 'hood!