
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

december shenanigans

Every year our neighbors host a Santa party where Santa and his elves come, bring gifts for the kids and collect donations for a charity. 
These two ready to head to the Santa party! 
It is such a fun event and the kids always love playing with their friends!
They sit and visit with all the kids and tell stories, ask them questions, etc.  They love it!
Please note- you will see Kerigan in this outfit pretty much this whole month.  #shesobsessed
This sweet boy had a holiday music program
He's in the front row on the far left
We loved watching him sing!  He's come a long way from that little boy in preschool who just stood there and stared!  Ha!
Proud sister
We always enjoy our big cookie baking weekend
Kerigan wrote this in school and I texted it to Ga Ga and she came the very next day to visit!  Ha!
Ga Ga comes over and stays and we all have so much fun making my great grandma's secret recipe!
This girl loves baking!
Whenever she sees me in the kitchen she always asks if I'm getting ready to make something!
We always have to have a Christmas movie on in the background!
The kids favorite part is rolling and cutting out the dough

The only thing missing is snow on the ground through those windows!
Love this girl's animated faces
Our neighbor Avery always seems to ring the bell when this is going on!  Ha!
Andrew loves decorating too!
This year we used these $1 squeeze bottles and they worked perfect for the kids!
Andrew made Coco from the Disney movie!  I thought it was so cute!
We made a point to schedule some Christmas movie nights on nights when Daddy would be home.  I feel like there's so much running around in December but this year I shopped early, decorated early and it was nice to just make time for simple things like family movie nights and popcorn!
The kids finished up Awana until the new year and the last night Andrew had class and Kerigan didn't.  The bigger kids got to shop at the Awana store.  Andrew came home with gifts for Kerigan, and his cousin Jayden, and a movie for our family.  It was the sweetest thing in the world watching him give these things to her.  She was so happy and he understands the spirit of giving.  Oh my heart.
She made this card for him at school.  It cracked me up!  He was grounded from electronics and she felt he had redeemed himself.
Speaking of Awana, Kerigan got really into it this year and I was so proud of her.  She spent a lot of time reading her Bible and verses and listening to her Awana CD in her room.  Sweet girl!
Kerigan and Rylee presented their tumbling coach with a Christmas gift after practice one night.  These girls are super excited for competition season to begin after the holidays!
We wrapped up more activities in December- Kerigan and I spent lots of time watching Andrew at Taekwondo and playing on Snapchat.  This night we laughed so hard at this LOL snap we almost got kicked out of the gym!  Ha ha.
Andrew thought it was so awesome that Buddy even did Taekwondo and got an orange belt like him!
Buddy is running out of places to hide and make messes!  Andrew made a point to mention that his hiding spots aren't really as funny anymore.  Ooops!
Kerigan got a kick out of this one, though!
And one morning he made skittles rainbows!
Personally, I love Buddy's cozy pjs!
And this Hershey kiss Buddy was another favorite!
Kerigan had a birthday party to attend at one of her favorite places- the ice rink!  This is her sweet friend, Ruby.
Since I had some free time during the party I ran to Target.  This was the line.  Note to self:  Avoid Target on Saturdays in December.
These sweet girls had so much fun!
One of the most exiting days of course, is the last day of school before break!  We finished the year with holiday parties and these girls were so excited!
I thought this note was so sweet a student left on my desk.  Reminds me of why I do what I do!
I took this view walking in the front door of my house because I just thought it was cozy.  I adore a fire, twinkle lights and a Christmas movie on TV!
This year I decorated the porch and we hung our wreath on the garage.  I loved it!
We had our annual Christmas light drive in our pj's!  We love bringing hot cocoa and cookies and blasting Christmas music in the car.
This year there were several neat houses where we got out and walked through the display!
This gingerbread house is always a favorite in our town!
This yard was full of blow up decorations which the kids loved!
Craig liked this idea so he wouldn't have to put up all the lights!  Ha ha.
This is called the Santa Claus house!  So so fun!
This house was in a pretty neighborhood where every house was decorated and I just thought this was inviting.
December is such a fun month!  
I took the kids out to a tree farm one afternoon for our Christmas card picture.
We had been having a really mild month and I choose the coldest day for us to go!  Ha!
Oh well, I guess it worked out because I liked the blanket draped over them- it served 2 purposes.  Looking cute and keeping them warm!
I had an impossible time choosing which photo to use
But ultimately I decided I wanted their outfits showing and I liked the blanket so I used this one.

Up next, Christmas!