
Thursday, November 30, 2017

thanksgiving weekend

Thanksgiving is one of our favorite times around here. There's just so much excitement in the air and lots of family time.  Ga Ga and Papa always spend the night before with us and the kids love to help Papa prep the turkey.
It's become a tradition since they were really little!
So proud of their work!
They love watching it in the oven!
Time to eat!  Daddy always does the carving
And they love breaking the wishbone!
We had the nicest afternoon.  Ga Ga and Kerigan worked on changing out their fairy garden to Christmas themed!
Then all of us went to see Coco and we all gave it two thumbs up!
I'm going to go ahead and say this is one of my all time favorite Disney movies.  I probably have a lot, but this one is in the top 3 for sure.
When we got home we had leftover turkey and Craig made us holiday moscow mules!  Yum!
Kerigan's sweet turkey writing she brought from school
And I will save this note from Andrew's teacher forever.  It meant the world to us.  We thought it was such a special thing for her to do and send out over Thanksgiving.
Then we woke up the next morning and Buddy had come!  This is one of their favorite holiday traditions ever.
Their excitement is contagious!
I'm gearing up for a whole season of Elf mischief and messes!  Ha!
We were heading to Craig's parents later that day so Kerigan helped me make cookies to take along!
Next it was time for cousins and our first Christmas celebration with Craig's family!
We always love this weekend every year and our kids can hardly wait to spend so much quality time with their cousins and grandparents.
It's always fun and games at the Huegel's!
This year my sister in law made these saran wrap balls full of little treasures!  She made ones for adults and some for the kids- we all had a blast!
You had to hurry to unwrap it so you could keep the treasures before the next person rolled doubles!
We opened gifts- this girl got Troll jammies to match her baby!  She loved it!
Matching pj's for these cousins!
The next day we headed to celebrate Christmas with Craig's mom's side.  This is Craig's sweet grandma- she has over 20 grandchildren (plus their spouses) and 30+ great grandchildren and she never misses a birthday and sending us $5.   She is AMAZING, I'm telling you.
They have a nice park outside so all the kids can play- luckily it was chilly but no snow yet so the kids could all enjoy the fresh air!
Three Huegel boys
Then we came inside and did more saran wrap balls!  Ha!

She was a fan
That night the girls made a fort in grandma's basement and were so excited to sleep in it!
The next morning we headed back home after snapping a pic with grandma!  We had such a fun weekend with family!