
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

easter fun

The kids always beg to make bunny bait to lure the EB to our house! 
I have to admit it is pretty delicious, and easy- so it's a win-win!
We headed to Ga Ga and Papa's on Friday night to celebrate Easter at their house before heading to Craig's family celebration.
The kids had a blast looking for their baskets.  It was nice enough to hide them outside and they always love running around and searching!
We brought everything inside for them to open
Andrew thought this gold was so awesome. He was yelling "I'm rich!"  Ha!
He loves Diary of a Wimpy Kid!  We switched him over to all hard cover so I can save them for him.  I took the paperbacks to my classroom so we've been slowly gifting Andrew the hard covers.  He reads them over and over again.
Someone is super excited about sidewalk chalk for spring!
Action figures for the win!
They had a hot tub bath and an ice cream snack!
Then they went out for a glow in the dark egg hunt!
They think this is just the coolest thing ever.

Before bed Andrew snuggled in and read his book in Ga Ga's bed!
The next morning they woke up to more baskets!
She had been wanting a fuzzy blanket for her bed.

Yeah!  Another book!
A bed for her fairy garden!
We made our way north to Grandma and Grandpa's house, where cousins all dyed eggs together.
This is one of their favorite traditions

Here are all 9 grandkids, with Grandma and Great Grandma.
There's never a dull moment at the Huegel's!
Lots of fun game playing!
Even the adults join in the fun!  Ha!
The next morning we all got up and went to church
Grandpa and Grandma with all the grandkids
This is the best picture I could get of my kiddos.  Kerigan didn't want to cooperate!  Ha!
I say this all the time but my kids are beyond blessed to grow up with these cousins.  They are all around the same ages so they each have a buddy or two their age, and they all get along so well together.  I love watching them grow!
Back at Grandma's ready for their egg hunt!
Sorting through their stash
And the men did this! Haha
I found the kids in the basement doing this scavenger hunt that Andrew made up.  Love that kid!

It's always a fun time at Grandma and Grandpa's!  After lunch we headed back home to see what he Easter Bunny brought!