
Sunday, August 19, 2018

a day at the omaha zoo

We decided to take an impromptu trip to the Omaha Zoo with Ga Ga a couple days before school started.
We had to soak up these last summer days!

First stop, okapis!
Kerigan wanted to head to the butterfly house when we passed it so we did!

I'm going to have trouble remembering all these animals, like what the name of this lizard was.  Ha!
It was a beautiful day, but apparently it had rained the night before so a lot of the animals were inside in the morning because it was muddy.
The elephants are just amazing

They loved seeing zebras
Andrew loves all the animal statues, especially this rhino which is his favorite animal

Huge mammoth!

We walked A TON and were making our way over to the other side of the zoo here
Something is there behind them that Andrew wanted a picture of, ha!
Love these two sweet kids
A fossil that Kerigan thought was creepy

We were looking for the lion but he was hiding

This is what they use to transport elephants

They had these statues all around the zoo
We hopped on the tram to take us to another part of the zoo that was farther away.  This zoo is huge!
These two were in front of us
We had lunch inside overlooking the Lied Jungle.   
So after lunch we headed inside!
Do you see the tapir back there?
My little monkeys

They love swinging on these branches hanging low

We love all the little nooks and caves along the path

Such pretty waterfalls

I just love this sweet girl to pieces
Andrew thought this statue was so neat

This is a new playground they added that the kids could have spent all day playing at

Can you see them running up there?

The monkeys were climbing around through these nets above them!  So cool!

After playing and sweating they decided to head to the splash pad!
It was a perfect day to play in the water!

This is such a neat splash pad the kids just loved it

 There is seriously so much to do at this zoo that you could probably fill 3 full days there.

They gave it two thumbs up!
Catching the tram back to the front of the zoo
Time to check out the gorillas!
On the way we couldn't believe this mama peacock was just walking along with her babies!  Kerigan loved it and bonus that she had a peacock on her shirt!
She was so excited
So sweet!
Lol her faces crack me up.  This dude was just chillin, which she thought was weird.  Ha!
Next we headed to the desert dome!
These two are my heart

Andrew wanted me to take pictures of everything! He loved this mongoose.
Monitor Lizard
And I can't remember what was here but I think maybe boars sunning themselves back there.

Then we went down under the dome where the Creatures of the Night exhibits are (nocturnal animals)
Andrew was fascinated by these aardvarks
I have to admit, the sloth was pretty cool to see!
The albino alligator is always so eerie!
Gators behind her!
We jam packed so much into one day, but we decided to check out the aquarium last!

The sharks and sting rays are always a hit!

Andrew loved this eel

It was getting late and we were super tired and hungry from walking all around but Andrew was so disappointed he didn't get to see lemurs or the komodo dragon yet.  So Ga Ga took a break on the bench while the kids and I hoofed it quickly back to those exhibits before they closed.
He was soooo happy, the hike was worth it!

Made a couple photo stops along the way back
This is a komodo dragon, which Andrew really wanted to see but it was hiding.  So we got a picture on the statue instead!
We had such a jam packed, fun filled day with Ga Ga!  On the way home we stopped at Cracker Barrel for dinner and then drove for about 45 minutes in a downpour!  We headed back to Ga Ga's for one more fun filled day tomorrow!