
Sunday, September 20, 2009


What a busy weekend we’ve had!  I just love this time of year.  My birthday always marks the end of the summer and we usually head to the lake to take the boat and dock out, which is what we did on Saturday.  My birthday isn’t until Tuesday, but I’ve already started celebrating!  I like to call this my “birthday weekend” and celebrate from now until the big day! Lol!

This time of year is always bittersweet for me, too.  I feel sad saying goodbye to our special summers at the lake, yet I am almost giddy thinking about putting up my fall decorations and baking my first batch of pumpkin bread, taking Andrew to the pumpkin patch and dressing him up for Halloween.  I can hardly wait!

Saturday we had our last boat ride of the season.  It was picture perfect weather.  I almost enjoy the boat even more this time of year than in the hot summer.  The lake was like glass, and the leaves are just starting to fall.  It was a perfect day for a boat ride, and we took a LONG one!

Here is Andrew's new favorite way to walk!  If two people aren't holding his hands he'll use both his hands to swing with whoever is holding his hand!  Whenever we take him out of the car he says "hold my hand!"  It is so sweet.

This is the best thing in the world!

 He loves looking at the water.  It always makes him sleepy!

This just cracks me up!  Kick back and relax, Andrew! Lol!



Everybody got a little Andrew love on the boat!

Can you see that smile behind the towel?  This "nap" didn't last long!


This is what Andrew did while Daddy and Papa did this:

This was too funny not to take a picture!  Daddy practically falling out of the boat trying to get the cover off the lift!  I'd have laughed so hard if he'd have fallen, but I think he'd have been pretty mad so it's a good thing he stayed dry!  Lol!

Andrew loved throwing rocks in the lake!

Giving Papa "knuckles" while eating pizza on the patio at Ga Ga's that evening.  I don't think I've ever eaten pizza on the patio before, and it was so fun!

We pulled the boat out for the season and next weekend we’ll head up to take the dock out.  The true beginning of fall has arrived!

Today we took Andrew to A Day Out With Thomas.  Those of you who were following us last year at this time might remember that it was at this event last year where Andrew took his very first steps towards Thomas. 

September 2008

This year was so much fun too!  He loved playing with the train tables, getting a tattoo of James (his favorite train!) and seeing Thomas.  He was so cute when he saw Thomas (he calls him “choo choo”) he plopped right down on the platform where you are supposed to stand for pictures, and sat facing Thomas, just staring at him.

We barely could get him to stand still for any pictures, but we got a few!

Still checking out his tattoo, even with Thomas right in front of him!

Gazing at his tattoo of James!


This was a funny from the day...Andrew spotted Sir Topham Hatt getting pics taken with other he approached him and waved and yelled "Hi!"

We thought he'd like to get to see him up close and of course, another photo op for me!  So daddy waited in line while Andrew and I played with more trains (the line was a mile long!)  When it was finally Andrew's turn... well...the picture says it all!

Not so much!  So "Hatt" isn't his favorite character, I guess! LOL!  He talked about him nonstop the whole way home though!  I think he left an impression, if nothing else!

After seeing Thomas, we headed to my grandma’s house since she lives near Thomas (lol!) Andrew had fun playing and showing off his James tattoo.

Then we headed to Papa and Ga Ga’s for dinner.  They grilled steaks for my birthday and it was so delicious.  We ate out on the patio again and it was just such a beautiful evening. 

Then Andrew helped me open my gifts…

I had wanted one of these purses way back when they first became popular.  I may be a couple years late in getting one, but I was so excited!  Better late than never, right? (Andrew wasn't too thrilled!)

And then we had cake and ice cream!  Andrew could hardly wait for this part.  Ever since we walked in the door he kept saying “Mama’s cake?  Mama’s cake?”  He only ate his dinner because I told him he couldn’t have any of mama’s cake if he didn’t!  Lol!


It was such a fun weekend and I’m sad it is over!  I still have special plans for my birthday on Tuesday, which I’m sure I’ll blog about soon!  Have I mentioned I love using this blog instead of the care page??  It is so much quicker to upload photos and I like doing shorter posts like this, more frequently.  It actually saves me time, and if you ever miss an update, it is easier for you to just scroll down and catch up (no clicking “older” all the time!) 

I hope you’ve found the transition to be easier and the added touches on the blog more fun to read.  I am loving it!  I do miss your comments, though… thanks so much those who have let me know you are following us.  It really means a lot.  I fixed the comments now so it is much easier to leave one!  Just choose anonymous, but be sure to sign your name so I know who you are!  Please always email or leave messages on the carepage if you have trouble with any part of the new blog.  I want to make it easy!

Here is what Andrew looks like right now…

Have you ever seen anything sweeter?  I just want to crawl in bed with him!  He’s had a busy weekend and the work week is about to begin…back to school tomorrow!  I hope we’re all ready for it!


  1. Luke was super scared of Sir Topam Hat last year, too!! Loved all the pictures ~ have a great birthday Jen!

    ~ The Holdgrafers

  2. What great lake pictures! You guys have so much fun there. Happy Birthday - I like to celebrate "Birthday Weekend" too! Love you purse too... by the way. Thomas looked fun - Andrew is getting so big. I am going to have to take my Andrew there next year. He is not really into Thomas yet. It is all Wonder Pets and Backyardigans at our house. Have a great week!
    Erin Burton

    PS - Michael Buble's Everything is totally my "song" for Andrew. I love to sing that whole CD and dance with him!

  3. Dear Jen,
    Great blog! Thanks for dedicating your time to keeping us updated on your fighter and the fun, love-filled life you've created.

    Looking up to you always,
    Jodi Flannery

  4. What a great update Jen! I am so glad that you guys had a great time celebrating your birthday a little early.

    The pic of Andrew screaming at Hatt was hilarious. Sorry Andrew! Don't you love it how they get so excited about seeing one of their "friends" and then when they get close to them they freak out. LOL!!

    Hope you have a great birthday on Tuesday!

    Stefenie, Ryan, Wyatt and Logan Jacks
