
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

More Birthday Fun

Thanks for all the birthday wishes on Facebook, emails, cards and comments!  I had a great birthday celebrating with my family- the only way I'd be happy!

This morning was extra special because I got to go in late to work to take Andrew to the audiologist.  Yeah, who knew I'd be celebrating taking Andrew to the doctor!?  It was extra special time with my buddy.  We had breakfast together and sang to Elmo in the car.  Dropping him off at school was the worst part of the day, though...for both of us!  I think he thought we were going to spend the day together (oh how I wish...) and he screamed and was reaching for me when I left.  It was pure torture.  Of course I called after 15 minutes and he had forgotten all about me. :)

My sweet husband had a beautiful bouquet of flowers delivered to school today!  I was so excited!  They are so pretty and look like fall.  I couldn't decide if I should leave them at school to enjoy them on my desk, or bring them home.  I ended up bringing them home so I could enjoy them more this evening!  I just love flowers!


The original plan for this evening was to head to Ames and eat out at my all time favorite restaurant, Hickory Park.  We still ended up doing this, but the second part of the plan didn't work out.  I really wanted to go to the Reiman Gardens at Iowa State University to take Andrew to the Butterfly House and to see the exhibit there- they have "dinosaurs" set up throughout the gardens and I know he'd love it.  We found out when we got there that they were closed!  :(  I was sad because I really had wanted to do this for my birthday.  The first birthday I had after my dad passed away 6 years ago, we went to the Butterfly House and it was so special.  Butterflies land all over you and it just made me feel like my dad was there.  I loved it.  We hope to get back there sometime this month before the dinosaur exhibit is over.  We'll have to go on a weekend since they close early on weeknights.

We still had fun at Hickory Park (how could you not?)  They sang to me and I got a free brownie sundae, my favorite!  I didn't get many pictures, but here are a few...

Andrew was being silly and making everyone laugh, as usual (including everyone in the restaurant!)

He likes to give out hugs when he wants this case it was him wanting to sucker Ga Ga into taking him out of the booth to go run around!  (Do you think it worked??)  If you aren't sure...than you don't know my mom!  Lol!

Looking positively angelic...BBQ sauce on the face and all!

The best part of my day!

Thanks again for all the birthday wishes!  I am so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!


  1. So glad you had a great birthday. May
    God grant you many many more great ones. Grandma are the best, so glad that Andrew has his close to enjoy him and he them. Thanks for sharing I thoughly enjoy reading about the special little monkey. God bless you and have a great day.

    Gloria King a follower of your cp.

  2. I am so glad that you had an amazing birthday even though you couldn't make it to the Butterfly Gardens.

    You made my day when I got to talk to you on the phone yesterday. Seems like it has been forever!!

    Hope the rest of your week is great!

    Stefenie, Ryan, Wyatt and Logan Jacks

  3. I'm so glad you had a great birthday Jen! Your flowers are beautiful too...good job hubbie! :)

    Big Heart Hugs,

  4. Hi Jen. I love the blog. I created us one to. it is I just forget to update it. So used to carepages. Happy belated birthday!! Thanks for keeping check on us. It means so much to me to have support from other heart moms!!
    Heart Hugs, Susan Bedwell

  5. Jen,
    LOL I hope you got my birthday wish for you on face book! I am glad to see your day was full of what you love....Your Family! Also I must say I can not keep up with you either I got on to check how things were going and you had two updates!!! So I am commenting here on both. Summer here is also winding down. UGH!!! Also I love using the blog too, but I miss our comments also. I think everything that has change has some feedback. I will take this too I love that not only is it cooler looking, but I have all our Heart Families connected from our page!!! Very cool!! LOL Alright I guess I will check on you guys sooner than every couple days! Hugs to you all from us and again a Very Happy Birthday!!! Jessica and the J Triplets

  6. Hi Jen!

    Happy Birthday! The flowers are beautiful!!!
    This is such an awesome time of year, I too can't wait to take Olivia to the pumpkin patch. Too bad we didn't live closer, we could make a play date out of it.

    I too love the blog, but it seems like a lot of people are having troubles. I don't think even 25% of my carepage viewers have checked our's out, which is heartbreaking! Is there a way to check and see who has viewed the blog? I guess once I too get the hang of things it will get easier.....Hmmm....

    Well, I hope you all have a great weekend!
    Take Care!

  7. Jen- It sounds like you had a wonderful day! I love all the new pics of Andrew. That is too bad you couldn't get to the butterfly garden. I, too, really find that place to be special!
