
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Celebrations Underway!

Just as I suspected, the days are flying by and Christmas is creeping up on me!!  I am a week behind in updates, along with about a million other things, when all I really want to do is sit back, relax and take in the real reason we celebrate Christmas.  Have you ever noticed how rushed and fast paced people are this time of year (me included!)?  My mom and I went shopping today (yes, with Andrew in tow!) and we could barely move around in the mall, stores, roads, etc.  We are exhausted, and feel like we've been going a million miles an hour.  School just got out on Friday and I've got one day down and only five more to go.

Last weekend we started our Christmas celebrations with Craig's side of the family.  We had a wonderful time!

We thought we'd attempt to get a photo of all the kids together, thinking it wouldn't happen, but they did really good!  Can I just comment on my kid's pants here?  We have looked literally everywhere for a pair of pants that fit him.  They are either too short, or too big around the waist.  These are 18 month pants, which are entirely too short, but anything 24 month/2T falls right off him!  We have some adjustable waist, but you can't always find them in the right size/color.  What a struggle!  Ha!

They were even good and posed again in front of the tree!  Andrew is really into cheesy smiling these days.  He'll say "cheese!" whenever the camera comes out.  I love it!  Here he is with cousins, Jayden and Evie (brother and sister), and Brooke and Jack (brother and sister).  Another little cousin is on the way in a couple months.  We can't wait to meet her!
Andrew got lots of nice gifts- and he had such fun opening them all!  This Christmas is going to be the most fun yet (and I've loved them all since he's been born!)

 With Grandma Huegel
This is one of his favorite gifts- an art easel.  He loves doing art at school.  His teacher says it is his favorite thing!  He's going to spend a lot of time at this easel, I just know it!
Uncle Keith and Auntie Darlene gave Andrew and Evie matching towels (sort of!)  They were so cute putting them on and staring at each other!
Andrew got really into opening gifts!  One right after the other!  We tried to take turns with all the kids so the adults could all watch them open, but it was so hard to get them to wait their "turn!"  They did pretty good though!  It was so much fun watching the joy on all their faces.
Andrew with Uncle Jeff playing with the tools he gave him.  We are so excited to meet Jeff and Lori Anne's baby girl soon!  They are going to make such good parents.  They love all their nieces and nephews so much.
Here is Andrew with his Great Aunt Joan (Craig's aunt).  Andrew just adores Joan.  She came to watch him last year for several days when I started work and we didn't have a sitter yet.  They had so much fun together.
This just cracked me up- Jayden and Andrew had matching pj's!  They looked so adorable and cuddly!
Andrew just loves all his cousins so much.  They have so much fun together, running around in circles in grandma and grandpa's basement and jumping on the beds!  Ha!  Whenever it is time to leave, they all go around giving each other hugs.  It is so precious.

Another week has already flown by.  I'm off to wrap more gifts!  Hopefully one of these nights I'll get a chance to just sit and relax and enjoy the sight of all the presents wrapped and under the sparkling Christmas tree! (Hey, I can dream, right?!)


  1. What a fun time. Love hime in his Christmas PJ's!

  2. Looks like you guys had a great time!

    Hope you find some time to R-E-L-A-X and de-stress!!! You are supposed to enjoy the holidays Jen!! :)

    Stef, Ryan, Wyatt and Logan

  3. Looks like you guys are busy!!!! Love ya lots I keep wanting to call, but not sure when i a good time so I have not called at all. I hope that you are well. Also I like Andrew's PJ's!!! LOL They are cute! Anyhow call if you need anything, Heart Hugs, Love, and Blessings, Jessica

  4. What a great time!!!! Love the towel. We too have the same pants issues...Can't win! They're either too short or falling off!

    What a BUSY time of year..Feel like I need to stop & catch my breath too!

    Merry CHristmas!
