
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Baby, It's SNOWY Outside!

There is just nothing I love more than being snowed in.  The timing couldn't have been more perfect- right before Christmas, I had tons of gifts to wrap and cookies to make.  I just didn't have the time...until the 14 feet of snow hit and school was canceled for 2 days!  It was like an extra weekend, stuck right in the middle of the week, right before Christmas.  We stayed in our jammies, and baked and wrapped and shoveled our hearts out!  And it was pure bliss!
No, we didn't make Andrew shovel!  He wanted to help daddy!

Yes, here is my hunky hubby and his favorite snow toy!  I swear he loves this snow blower more than anything!  He gets almost giddy when it snows enough for him to use it! Lol!
I couldn't believe all the snow!
Andrew's swingset was practically buried!
And this was me trying to open our front door with no success.  Yes, we were literally snowed in!
But we still went out to play!

 Does anyone else set up shop to wrap gifts right in the middle of the living room?  Craig loves it (not!) I literally spread out everything and insist on watching "A Christmas Story" over and over again until I am done wrapping!  The only thing I hadn't had a chance to stock up on was scotch when I ran out I had to cut apart our packaging tape since I couldn't venture out to the store!
Andrew's stocking is stuffed to the brim...

Then my little helper and I mixed up 4 batches of our family's famous sugar cookies (yes, we have something famous for almost every season! Ha!)  But you won't get the recipe for these (sorry!)'s a family "secret" recipe that spans 5 generations!  And oh my they are YUMMY!!!!

Andrew got really into helping (and taste testing!) Ha!
He made a sweet little snowman design.  I love this picture with his little hands...
I was pretty much cookie-d out by this time!  There's still one batch in the oven and the counter across the kitchen was spread out with cookies, too!  There were over 150 of them!
Making these cookies is a tradition in our family.  I have wonderful memories of my mom and I doing this together when I was growing up.  I am so excited to continue the tradition for Andrew.

The decorating is the fun part!  I still have two more batches to decorate (yeah, this is more than a 2 day project!) but I had to decorate some to take to Craig's family's Christmas this past weekend.  We just got back tonight and I haven't uploaded pictures yet, but I'll have more to share soon... we had a wonderful time!
Here's my little cookie monster!

The snow is finally piled up and the roads are clear, but those 2 days off were the most enjoyable and fun and we were so grateful to get to all be home together as a family.  I love it that Craig and I both work at a school so we almost always get snowed in together!

And there's just nothing quite like a white Christmas!


  1. I am so glad to see you took Andrew out in the snow too! I took my Drew out and he LOVED it!

    Your "wrapping station" looks much like my basement did last night. I set it all up and watched movies. It is almost like x-mas therapy.

    It is also nice to hear someone be HAPPY about the snow days! I had one too and it was wonderful! It gave me an excuse to do nothing but play with Drew and enjoy our time together.

    Hope your holidays are wonderful!

    Take Care,

  2. Awww!! I loved your snowy update!! Looks like you guys had a great time making cookies and wrapping presents. Speaking of which I am supposed to be doing that right now. Hee hee!!!

    Stef, Ryan, Wyatt and Logan

  3. FUN!!! I'm so jealous...we RARELY get snow, and never that much! Looks like you all had such a good time.

    We have a sugar cookie recipe that I remember making with my grandma a lot when I was younger. I'll have to pull out that recipe next year when D is big enough to "help."

    Enjoy the rest of your getting ready for Christmas. And yes, my living room looks just like that right now. Actually, that's what I'm supposed to be doing right now! :)

    Big heart hugs and prayers,

  4. I love snow days before Christmas, I always get so much done. We haven't had one this year and it doesn't look like we will. Oh well, we get out on Friday, so I shouldn't complain too much. Glad you enjoyed your mid week surprise!

  5. Snowed a ton here too!! Yuck! Kids here were also off school for two days. I think we got your storm! LOL Glad you were able to be productive in it though. Heart Hugs, Love, and Blessings, Jessica

  6. I am so jealous of all your snow. Cash and Riley would have loved to play in that mess!!! And the cookies, your pics make me excited to decorate cookies with the kids this year! Andrew looks like a great helper!
