
Wednesday, December 9, 2009


We had an awesome time last weekend in Minneapolis!  Ever since I was a little girl, I've gone there at Christmas time.  My parents used to take me to the Dayton's display (which is now Macy's) and to see the real Santa.  That's right- only the real Santa lived in Minneapolis.  The ones here and in the malls were just his elves.  This has been a tradition we've continued with Andrew.  And it totally puts everyone in the Christmas spirit!  An added bonus for us, is that Craig's brother and his wife and their two kids live there, so we always stay with them and I get to go shopping with my sister in law all day!

At night we head downtown.  The picture is a little blurry, but this is Santa in the Holidazzle parade.  The parade runs downtown on the Nicollet mall and is all lighted with Christmas lights.  It is quite spectacular.

Andrew on daddy's shoulders...

After the parade we went downstairs to the marketplace and Andrew and his cousin Jack got giant cupcakes loaded with frosting!
Andrew was so sweet, holding his cupcake so carefully.  It was so funny, Jack got his and I took Andrew's, just a "habit" for me to carry it for him so he wouldn't drop it, right?  He was having a fit because he wanted to hold it like Jack- my sister in law just said, "Why don't you let him hold it?"  and I thought, yes, why not?  I forget sometimes that he is growing up so fast, right before my eyes.  He was perfectly capable of holding it, and he was so proud.

Gazing so lovingly at their cupcakes!
Andrew and his cousin Brooke- we were smushed in the elevator!
After treats we headed upstairs to Macy's 8th floor display.  There was a line that spanned over two floors!  Luckily it moved rather fast.  Every year the 8th floor has a theme, and you walk through a variety of scenes, having to do with the theme.  This has been going on since I was a little girl, and my parents used to take me.  A theme I remember from back then is Dumbo (the elephant!) Ha!  Past themes have also been, The Nutcracker, Snow White and Mary Poppins.
Andrew holding hands with his Uncle Keith and Auntie Darlene- they are also his Godparents and he loves them very much.
This year's theme was "A Day in the Life of an Elf."

This is Andrew looking up at the Elf moving up and down from the ceiling.  He has never been a big fan of fake moving characters (remember my post about the Rainforest Cafe??)  This was no different.  He was freaked out!

Luckily, Jack and Brooke were having a blast, and all it took for him to enjoy it was to see how much fun they were having!

The display is always spectacular.
Andrew's favorite part was watching the animals decorate the Christmas tree.  He loved this!
The elves working in the mailroom was funny!  He couldn't figure out what this elf was doing!  Ha!
The best part is seeing Santa at the end... the real Santa, remember?  Daddy helped Andrew write a letter to Santa.
He had to help him deliver it, too!

He warmed up after he watched his cousin Jack sit on Santa's lap.  He still wouldn't sit on his lap, but he did give him a hug!
And Santa gave him a special button to remember his visit.

Some of you went over and visited Mckmama's blog to see our other special surprise!  Mckmama was offering a photo shoot on Saturday, and we just happened to be in her neck of the woods, so we signed up!  She is a fabulous photographer and she posted the first sneak peek of Andrew on her blog.  It was so fun meeting her, her family and sweet little Stellan, another heart baby with a miraculous story to tell.  We can't wait to get the pictures, and hope we get them in time to use one on our Christmas card this year!

This was the sneak peek!  We haven't seen any others!

We had such a wonderful time, as we always do.  I got a good start on my Christmas shopping, which I've had a chance to start wrapping as well...since we're in the middle of a snowstorm!  There is nothing I love more this time of year than a blizzard, getting snowed in, making Christmas cookies and wrapping gifts... oh yeah, and "A Christmas Story" must be on TV!  This is fine with Andrew...he  now asks for "Ralphie" almost daily.  Move over, Elmo!  Ha!

Andrew getting goodbye kisses from cousin Brooke

And warm hugs from Jack!
We'll see them again this weekend (3rd weekend in a row!) because we'll be traveling to Craig's parents farm to have our first Christmas celebration of the season!  We can't wait!

Until next time, enjoy the snow!
We have been!
How are you spending your snow day? (If you have one!)


  1. How fun. I would love to go shopping with you and Darlene. Something tells me you two know how to shop! =) Andrew looks so big in the picture of him carrying his cupcake. How cute. Looks like you guys had a great time. Have fun next weekend and tell everyone we said hello!

  2. Glad you guys had such a great time Jen!!
    Andrew is growing up and I know it is hard to not still look at him as your baby!

    Stef, Ryan, Wyatt and Logan

  3. We did have our first snow day today!!! Ugh I am not a snow person! Love the beauty of it not the cold of it! Your weekend looked like a lot of fun! Jessica

  4. What a wonderful time. I used to love going downtown to see Santa. That cupcake looks yummy!!

  5. It looks like you all had a great time! What a fun trip to look forward to every year. :)

    Big heart hugs and prayers,
