
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Three Years Ago Today...

Happy 3rd Birthday!
To my sweet little boy~ Andrew

I cannot call you a "baby" anymore. It seems like just yesterday that you were so little- 3lb 13 oz of pure joy!  I'll never forget the first time I heard you cry, or when I saw your full head of dark brown hair.  I thought it couldn't get any better than that.  But Andrew, I love you more and more each and every day.  I never knew it was possible to love something as much as I love you.  Even though you'll always be my baby, you have grown up so much this year.  You are really becoming that spunky little boy who melts my heart every time you smile at me and say "I love you Mama!"  
You and Me

You are "all boy!"  You have had your share of bumps and bruises this year, as you love to run and jump and play hard!  I think both of your knees were skinned all summer long!  I love this about you.  You have no fear and always feel confident doing the things you love.  Your determination will take you far in life, you never give up (and you never forget anything!)  We are so proud of the little boy you have become, Andrew.  Every day you amaze us with the new things you are learning.

Probably the biggest transition for you this year was starting day care (which we call "school.")  You absolutely love playing with other children, and school has been so good for you.  You come home singing new songs you learned, and are starting to talk in full sentences.  You know almost the entire alphabet, your numbers, shapes and colors.  You can sing the ABC's and count to 15.  You can even read your first book ("Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?)  At school your teacher says you love to do art.  You have started enjoying art projects like coloring and it keeps your attention more and more.

You went on two vacations this year.  To Colorado and Minnesota.  You saw the mountains for the first time.  You went to the zoo for the first time.  You love animals.  We also went to Clear Lake a lot and you discovered a love for boating and swimming, too!  You swam in the lake for the first time.  Boating makes you sleepy, and you liked taking naps in my arms... some of the most precious moments we shared this year.  You also rode the kiddie rides at the carnival over the 4th of July and discovered how much you love it!  You wanted to ride over and over again.

Some other things you have accomplished this year are getting a new big boy bed, and then an even bigger one!  You got rid of your paci once you stopped sleeping in your crib.  You are no longer a baby!  Sometimes you like to come into mommy and daddy's bed if you wake up at night, and we secretly love it.  I love nothing more than holding you in my arms as we both drift off to sleep...

We took you to 2 live shows this year for the first time.  You saw Sesame Street Live in May, and Curious George Live in January.  You loved both of these performances starring your favorite characters.

To celebrate your heart this year, you were honored at Des Moines' Heart Ball, where you wore your first tuxedo!  We were so proud of you.  You even got to meet Iowa's governor, Gov. Culver.  You also walked for the first time in this year's Heartwalk (because last year you weren't walking yet).

You have been really healthy, and had two cardiac caths this year.  In February, God performed a miracle and allowed you to have a year free of surgery.  We have enjoyed every minute, as each day spent with you is a blessing.  You learned how to pray and you know who Jesus is.  Every night when we say prayers you fold your little hands and list all the people in your life that you love.  It warms my heart to see you turn to Jesus, and it is my prayer that you will grow up knowing that He is always there for you, including whenever you are scared or hurt or in trouble.  That you will know you can always turn to Him and count on Him to hold you in the palm of His hand, like He has done all the days of your life.
Andrew, you have always had the best little personality.  It just shines.  You love people and you are always friendly and happy.  You know how to make people feel special and share your love with others so willingly.  I pray that you will always be yourself, as you have so much to give.  Thank you for coming into my life, and showing me what it means to truly love.  Thank you for teaching me so much, for I have learned how to be a better person by just being your mommy.  You have made me complete, and you will always be the greatest joy in my life.

I love you, Stinky Face!

Love, Mama

*Pause the music at the bottom to hear the video!


  1. Happy Birthday Andrew!!! You have grown so much in this past year and we have enjoyed every minute of it through the journaling of your mom!

    Great video Jen!

    Stef, Ryan, Wyatt and Logan

  2. Happy Birthday Andrew!!

    We have enjoyed getting to know you this year. You're such a sweet boy, and adorable too! :)

    I hope you had a wonderful birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday Andrew!! I hope you had a very happy day!!

  4. Happy Birthday Andrew! You are going to love being 3!

  5. Happy Birthday, Andrew!!! You are such an amazing little guy with a heart full of love for life!

    Great post, Jen. I really enjoyed reading about Andrew and your reflections of the last three years. You do have a way with words!

  6. Happy Birthday Andrew!! Even though I already got to tell you in person! Your such a sweet, lively, loving little boy and I am so glad I have gotten to meet you and your family! Every time I hear your story I am inspired! happy birthday again!
