
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Andrew helped me bake cookie cupcakes to take to his day care on the Friday before his birthday.  He couldn't wait for them to come out of the oven!
And I think they turned out splendidly
And so did they! 
It was so fun getting to bake treats to send to his little school for the first time.  These are the things I so looked forward to when I longed for a child so badly.  Something so simple.  Yet so rewarding.
My child wearing the little birthday crown and eating his special treat he baked with mommy to share with his friends.  Just what I always wanted.
It just doesn't get any better than that!
Except for the singing and dancing they did afterwards!
Does he look like he was having fun or what? (And yes I sent my camera to school again.  But this time they offered, I swear!)
I know I say this with a lot of things...but this was the best birthday ever.   Andrew was so much more into it.  He enjoyed it more.  He knew it was a special day all about him.
And here's a little preview of my post to come... Andrew's reaction when he saw his balloons!  What fun!  
I am working on a birthday update.  But it's long. :)  And I'm having so much fun remembering all the little things from that day.  Because I want to cherish it all.  Breathe it in.  My baby is 3.  And his birthday is pretty much my favorite day of the year.

And as you can hear...I think it is his favorite too!  Please enjoy a chuckle and pause the music at the bottom so you can hear Andrew sing happy birthday to himself.  He had just come downstairs and saw all the decorations (I stayed up until 1:00am putting up!)  It is probably the most precious thing I've ever heard.  Music to my ears.  This is what we heard in the days leading up to his birthday.  We heard him singing it in his room from the monitor when he went to sleep and woke up in the mornings, and other times in between.  That sweet little voice.  Three years old.  Enjoy!  (Oh, and yes, you'll see we need to work on some letter recognition, but we've got time!  Ha!)

More to come...


  1. Cute!! Looks like Andrew had a blast at school. How neat that the teachers took pics for you. You didn't have to miss anything :)

    Happy 3rd Birthday, Andrew!!

    Heidi, Kevin, Ellie & Baby

  2. I can't wait to read Andrew's birthday update! It looks like he had so much fun at school to celebrate his special day!

    Stef, Ryan, Wyatt and Logan

  3. Happy Birthday Andrew!!! Looks you it was a fun day/weekend. Can't wait to see more pics from the big day.

    Erin, Jeff and Carter Lamka

  4. He is absolutely adorable! It looks like Andrew had a great birthday at school! :)
