
Sunday, May 16, 2010


Andrew always loves to help me in the kitchen.  But his absolute favorite thing is when we make a cake.
He loves to sneak a bite
When he thinks I'm not looking
He is very serious about his job
as official cake batter tester!
He loves birthdays!

When my dad passed away six years ago, I pretty much thought the world had ended.  My dad was my world.  He meant everything to me, and I loved him more than words can say.  He was the person I loved to call and tell stories to, because he would listen to every word and at least act interested!  Ha!  I miss so many things about my dad.  Mostly, I miss that he never got to meet his grandson.

I never could have imagined our world without my dad in it.  He was such a major part of our lives, and we were so close.  You might think it would have been difficult for me to accept another man into my mom's life.
But when there are moments like this... how can it be?
I could never have imagined anyone coming close to the grandfather that my dad would have been.
But I am so grateful
My mom couldn't have picked a more wonderful man to come into our lives
Someone to call "Papa."
Papa loves Andrew like he is his own grandson
And we are just so blessed to have him in our lives.
Before my mom and Jim got together, holidays were so lonely and empty.  That first year of "firsts" without my dad would be a year I'd like to forget.  My mom tried so hard to make everything special, but there was just always this emptiness.  This hole where my dad should have been.
While I still miss my dad every day...the hole is a little smaller now
Because Papa is here and that makes it a whole lot more fun!
Jim, thank you for coming into our lives and blessing our family.
And thank you for being Andrew's Papa.

We love you!


  1. That was really sweet Jen! What a blessing to have another amazing man come into your mom's life to help fill that void from losing your dad. It sure looks like Papa is just as in love with Andrew as he is with him. Sweet memories! :)

  2. Jen that was very touching! I am sure it wasn't easy at the thought of another man coming into your mom's life but it sure looks like the right one came along. How wonderful for all of you to experience that after your dad's passing. Happy Birthday to Papa!!
