
Friday, May 14, 2010

Perfect Day

Last Friday was one of the most special days I've had in a long time.  My mom and I took the day off to attend a Mother's Day brunch at Andrew's school.  I couldn't think of a better way to spend the day than with my mom and my son.  We had a blast!
Andrew was so funny.  I knew he wasn't going to get that mom and I were actually staying and not dropping him off.  He had quite a grip on Ga Ga and wouldn't let her go!  When we got there and walked over to the tables they had set up, we tried to explain that we were staying but he was having none of it.
He is sure not used to Mama and Ga Ga bringing him to school!  Once he figured out we were all going to sit down together and eat rolls and fruit, he came around!
This is really far away, but I love how it shows the pretty flowers and how the tables were set up so nice.  Every year they do this, and they always plan for about 200 moms, grandmas and aunts!  It is such a nice thing for them to do.
Nothing could have made me happier than to spend that time with my little buddy.  He was pretty excited to have us sit down with him and eat, too.  Since usually we are either in a hurry to drop off or pick up!  It was so enjoyable.
Next we went downtown to a little jewelry shop to have our "Andrew" bracelets restrung.  We had never been able to find the time to do this, and this was the perfect day for it. 
I gave this bracelet to my mom on her first Mother's Day as a grandma.  Of course, I got one for myself too!
So downtown there is this adorable little bake shoppe called Nan's Nummies.  Do you all know the word "Nummy?"  My mom and Craig didn't know what it meant!  Ha!  Nummies is another way of saying yummy!  Anyway, it has the most delicious treats you could imagine.
Andrew got a very special Elmo cookie, loaded with frosting!
 I know it seems like all we did was eat!  Ha!  But this was after we went back to pick up our bracelets.  It had been a few hours since the brunch!  In between we went to the Scholastic Book Fair (one of our favorite places!) because all the books were 1/2 off.  I got some great deals for my classroom and I had some money to spend from the school budget.  

This was just the most special way to spend the Friday before Mother's Day.  Very rarely do mom or I get time off anymore- especially for fun things!
Andrew made me this adorable little flower pot at school and planted the flower for me.  It is just precious.  He glued the tissue paper on all by himself and picked out the colors.  I think he did a pretty good job!

After lunch we headed back home because we were going to Minneapolis for the weekend.  Craig's oldest brother was turning 40, and his wife planned an awesome surprise party for him!  Of course I have lots to share about our weekend, but I wanted to keep this post about Mother's Day, so I am going to jump ahead to Sunday afternoon.
On our way back from Minneapolis we stopped over at my grandma's house to celebrate Mother's Day.  I love this picture because my grandma is laughing.  She gets such a kick out of Andrew- he is so funny!
Here he is jumping off my grandma's ottoman.  He thought this was a great game!  Even though he was making us all nervous!  This boy has no fear!
Andrew is the only great grandchild on my side, so he is pretty special to my grandma.  My grandpa passed away when Andrew was only 8 months old, and we are so grateful he got to meet his great grandson.
Andrew helped Ga Ga open her Mother's Day gifts.  I got my mom this awesome canvas print of Andrew in his Easter outfit.  It turned out just beautifully.
Here they are looking at it.  Andrew thought it was pretty neat to see a life size picture of himself!  Ha!
My uncle is an awesome landscaper and he landscaped my grandma's whole yard.  She has this neat little pond with fish and frogs, etc.  He was ready to feed the fish so he had Andrew come out and watch.
Then he had to show him this little canadian goose that he found.  Andrew wanted it "out!" Ha!
I think Andrew's favorite part was taking a bath in my grandma's giant tub with jets!  At first he wasn't too sure, but then he realized it was like a hot tub and he went crazy!
He was just kicking back and relaxing in all the bubbles!
I am sure he wishes his tub was like this at home!  Ha!

We just had the best Mother's Day weekend together.  I was so fortunate to get to spend time with my family and Craig with his family, too.  We all had a great time.  I'll update separately about our trip!  I have tons more pictures to share!  I am going a little camera crazy with my new camera!  

I hope all of you had a perfect Mother's Day too.
Four Generations...


  1. That flower pot is precious!! He did such a good job! :) Happy late Mother's Day!

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful Mother's day!

  3. What a precious Mother's Day. Sounds like Andrew's school did a wonderful job celebrating mothers. Loved all the great pictures!

  4. Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day! Andrew is so cute! :)

    Rhond a
