
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day-Part 1

Happy Birthday Aunt Joan!

We had a busy but fun Memorial Day weekend!  We went to Craig's Aunt Joan's 50th birthday party!  We just love Joan.  She came to watch Andrew for us several times last year after I went back to work and Andrew grew to love her so much.  She is so fun and always plays with all the kids and entertains them!
After several attempts at this, daddy finally taught Andrew how to work this thing!
This cracks me up.  Jack and Brooke were sitting here so their mom could take a picture and Andrew climbs right up in the chair and plops down right in front of Brooke! Ha!
She didn't mind too much!
We stayed at Craig's parents house and it was the first time all of us were home together since baby Abigail was born.  Good thing Craig's parents built a bigger house!  Ha!  There are five kids and now six grandkids.
My sister in law, Lori Anne and baby Abby with Andrew and me.  We couldn't believe how much she had grown since our trip to Chicago!
We had to get a picture with "Uncle Jepp!" (Jeff)
 I love this picture of Grandma with Abby and Andrew.  Andrew just adores Abby.  He is so gentle with her, I am really surprised by that!  Ha!
Craig's mom is so proud of all her grandkids.  We all got married within a few years of each other and all had babies together.  It is so much fun!  I love big families!
Here is an attempt to get a group photo with all the grandkids together.  Brooke didn't want to leave her mommy's side at the moment!  And good luck getting them all to look at the camera all at the same time!
One of the kids' favorite things to do at grandma and grandpa's house is jump on the beds!  They just get so crazy and chase each other around and laugh!
So far, no injuries! Ha!
Grandpa and Grandma have a huge basement, perfect for running around!
Is it any wonder why Andrew cries every time we have to leave??  He can't get enough of his cousins.  He just loves them all!
A little down time!  Ha!
This is Andrew with Auntie Karen (Craig's sister).  Andrew also loves all of his aunties and uncles a bunch!
On Sunday we went to Craig's cousin's graduation party (yes, we do party all the time!)  Ha!
I could barely get these two to stop for a picture!
Andrew and Grandma Huegel

I have lots more to share about the second part of our weekend but I'll save it for another time!  I want to put out a reminder if you'd like to donate for the Heartwalk you can click here to donate online and/or join our team.  If you prefer to donate to congenital heart defects specifically, you can email me ( for my address and write a check made out to the American Heart Association with "Legacy of Life" in the subject line.  Thanks to those who have donated so far!  We are quite a ways behind where we were last year... remember, every dollar makes a difference! :)  Thank you!


  1. Looks like you guys had a great start to your holiday weekend! I can't wait to read part 2!!

  2. Ya'll do a lot of kind of
    Love the pics..
