
Saturday, June 5, 2010


That describes our Memorial Day weekend pretty well!  After leaving all the parties on Sunday, we headed further north to the lake to put the boat in the water.  Seems like a simple task, but turned out not to be so.  The boat needed a few new parts so it spent most of the day at the "Boat doctor."  Once it was in the water it wasn't running the best so it went back to the "doctor."  Finally once on the lift, it got windy, and putting the cover on the lift became far from easy.  I tried entertaining Andrew while Daddy, Papa and Ga Ga worked on it...but we all grew tired and frustrated.  Then it started to rain.  We called it quits and decided on a new plan.
It was time for this little ogre's first movie theater experience!
I had originally planned to take him to Toy Story 3 for his first movie.  But he loves Shrek, too.  And it seemed like a perfect Memorial Day opportunity on a rainy evening at the lake.
Did you know they have "Shrek chicken" at McDonalds?? (That is what Andrew calls it).
Complete with Shrek milk and Shrek apples.  And a Shrek happy meal toy.  It doesn't get much better than that!  (Yeah, we could own stock in this place!  But we have all 8 toys to show for it!  Ha!)

So we felt like the movie was a must see.
And it did not disappoint.
He was completely mesmerized the entire time.  There was no need for me to worry about him not sitting still, or getting up and down out of his seat.  Or being too noisy.  Or wasting money on tickets.
We had a SHREK-tastic time!
This is him looking up at the huge screen.  We let him walk down and explore after everyone else had left the theater.  Perfect time for photo ops, too!  (because, no, as much as I wanted to, I did not let myself take pictures of him while the movie was going on!  I know, you're all disappointed.  Ha!)
He just had a blast, and he wasn't scared at all.  I thought a couple parts of the movie would be scary for him, but he loved it all.
He loved walking down to the front when the credits were rolling, and watching the huge screen.  I can't imagine what was going through his head.  It's like a giant TV screen!
It was so fun taking him to this theater, too.  A place where daddy and I went on many dates before he was born!  Ha!
I just kept thinking I was so glad we took him because now he is super excited to see Woody and Buzz on the big screen too!
He found this poster on the way out and hasn't stopped asking for "Woody and Buzz big movie!"  He is going to love it.

More to come on the rest of the Memorial Day weekend...the boat and lake redeemed'll see!


  1. Oh my! Andrew is super cute! I'm so glad he loved his 1st movie theatre experience! I've seen all the shrek movies except the new one, glad it was good. Yes I'm almost 23 and do enjoy some kiddy movies hehe.

    I have been following Andrew's journey for a few months now. Got your blog from Logan's, but I have not introduced myself.

    My name is Lauren and I'm 22yrs old (almost 23). I'm an adult CHD survivor. I have Tricuspid Atresia, HRHS. I wasn't diagnosised till 11wks old. Thank God for amazing parents (especiall my mom for knowing in her heart something was wrong despite my ped saying I was fine, so she took me to the ER where I coded during a chest xray. Perfect time, God has his reason).

    I've had 2 open heart surgeries, the last was at 2yrs, 3months and it was the Modified Fontan Pailliation (they don't do this Fontan anymore). It's been 20yrs since my last open heart surgeries and I've been doing well. I've had alot of ups and downs. Now that I'm older I'm having some minor issues, but despite everything I'm living to the fullest and grateful to be here. I spread lots of CHD awareness and share my story!

    Andrew is one tough little guy and his smiles just warm my heart! He is an inspiration to me as are all CHD kiddos. They keep me going and to be the best Adult CHD example I can be!

    **Heart Hugs** to you!

    In my thoughts and prayers!
    With LOTS of Hope, Love, and Faith,

